To my fellow Medford, MA residents, I will be speaking to the - TopicsExpress


To my fellow Medford, MA residents, I will be speaking to the Medford City Council on Tuesday night, July 15th, at their next 7:00 p.m. meeting, on the matter of water tax rates. I hope fellow citizens will come out and address this serious issue with me on Tuesday. Your voice matters. Your opinions should be publicly expressed. Politics is not a spectator sport and elections have consequences. IMHO. And now, a quick game of 20 questions: 1) Do you have a swimming pool that needs to be filled? 2) My fellow Italians, or any one who owns a pot, will you be boiling water for pasta or to perhaps poach an egg? 3) Might you be going to a local pizza shop, restaurant, or what may be any small business because you like their relatively low prices for goods, services or prepared meals? 4) Will you use your lavatory facilities today and subsequently flush the toilet? 5) Are you going to mow then water your lawn? 6) Did you just put out a new flower bed or perhaps have a garden of veggies and/or fruits that needs to be watered? 7) Did you know that when the City of Medford waters the grass and flowers at parks and other things they use water for that is 14% of Medfords water tax bill that comes out of your hard work, blood, sweat and tears? 8) Did you know the last water tax rate hike was 2% and the current water tax rate hike is 10% which is a 500% increase in the water tax rate which comes to an additional $600,128 Medford tax payers owes to the MWRA? 9) Did you know the Honorable Robert M. Penta offered an amendment to the last debated budget that cut the budget by the aforementioned $600,128 with stipulation to appropriate those funds from the SURPLUS water tax account which is over $6 MILLION DOLLARS so that your water tax rate would remain the same reducing the amount of water taxes you will pay over the next year and the budget passed? 10) Did you even know there was a surplus in the water tax account of $6.3 million dollars? 11) Did you know Mayor Michael J. McGlynn vetoed the amendment squarely placing the huge and never ending burden of taxes in Massachusetts directly on the shoulders of the poor, working, middle AND higher wage earners, i.e. everybody??? 12) Did you know these higher water tax rates could, and most probably will, lead to some folks who may work for a restaurant, per se, lose hours or have their jobs eliminated altogether? 13) Did you know small businesses in Medford under the pressure of a water tax rate hike 500% higher than the previous water tax rate hike could raise prices for goods, services or prepared meals putting an even heavier burden on your wallets and purses? 14) Can you, or rather will you, correlate the higher water tax rate hike with the sales tax, meals tax, income tax, excise tax, local tax, property tax (note: the property tax in Medford was raised again for the 27th consecutive year), summer home rental tax (which was increased this year) business fee tax, gas tax which was tied to inflation making it go up AUTOMATICALLY without a vote from those we elect to take a vote which is LITERALLY TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION? 15) Did you know question 14 above is only a portion of the taxes/fees we pay as residents of Medford, of Massachusetts, and of the USA? 16) Did you know all of these taxes come from ONE PARTY hell bent on keeping the TAX in TAXachusetts which is driving citizens and businesses out of our Commonwealth so fast, so furiously and so frequently that Massachusetts is 7th over all on the list of most moved OUT of states? 17) Did you know other states like Wisconsin, North Dakota, Texas and the Carolinas are CUTTING taxes, reducing regulations, getting government out of the way which leads to job creation? 18) Did you know as a direct result of CUTTING taxes and regulations, which does lead to job growth, actually causes local, state and the federal government to raise more taxes because more people working means more people buying homes, renting, purchasing goods and services, and all of those actions, and more, are in a cloud of taxes imposed on We, The People, by THEM, the government? 19) Did you know some of these decades long career politicians take per diems for travel, have golden parachute pension plans, and make enough of a base salary that the poor, working, and middle class of America will never see so long as government continues to tax and regulate you into a locked state of stagnant, never upward, mobility? 20) Did you know that at the local, state and federal level there is a slate of Republican candidates who have pledged to fight the status quo and will implement real tax CUTTING reform which Massachusetts, under decades long one party rule, is sorely over due for to save money for citizens and businesses for a change? Please do note that we are advocating TAX CUTS, not eliminations, because we are fully aware taxes are necessary for police, firefighters, emergency services and personnel, roads, bridges, infrastructure and such but to the heights of which the current tax rates are is something that needs to be discussed and actions taken to reduce the burden and bring real TAX RELIEF to all citizens and I remind you of my point above that CUTTING TAXES actually leads to more tax collections for the coffers of BIG GOVERNMENT who will hopefully use those dollars for the services I mentioned and/or pay down debt, but honestly, who the heck knows where all this money is really going? I mean, its not like weve seen corruption by elected public servants, have we? Oh, wait, the last 3 speakers of the MA State House have all been convicted of corruption and the present Speaker was just accused by prosecutors to buy votes in the State Legislature with promises of jobs in the probation department so he could actually become the Speaker. Its time we speak up. Its time we change the direction of Massachusetts for the better. Its time we end one party Democrat rule of our cities, towns and this state. Its time we change Beacon Hill. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. God bless you all. God bless America.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:53:57 +0000

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