To my fellow introverts and those with stage fright... I spent - TopicsExpress


To my fellow introverts and those with stage fright... I spent the weekend with Bo Eason (I am in his Mastermind group) and I was really hoping to practice and train enough so that the amount I freak out before speaking in front of people or on a podcast lessened. My left leg shakes and my hands sweat terribly!!! I dont sweat much at all (even when I workout) until I have to be on then the flood gates on my hands open. Bo got REALLY excited and said in front of everyone You are so F*cking lucky. Monica- do you know how lucky you are? That is a GIFT from God. The GREAT directors (like Steven Spielberg) look for people like you- thats who they want to work with. The greatest actors and athletes in the world have that in common with you. Meryl Streep is the same as you. Henry Fonda was petrified every performance. Jerry Rice threw up before every single game and Brad Pitt says to replace the word nerves with love because it means you care so much to be great. I certainly dont feel so lucky to be a nervous wreck every time I am in front of people but their words are starting to sink in. I was hoping to get over the nerves and Bo has made me realize they will never go away and that I will have to endure this in order to be great and to speak the words that I need people to purpose. Bo always has his therapist on hand to help us with the emotions that come out through our stories. She wants us to share feelings and emotions and not dump them on our audience. She came up to me just before my final performance of the weekend and grabbed my sweaty hands. She said Stop fighting this- it isnt going away. Honor it. Its your bodys way of saying I AM ALIVE. Passion runs through your veins to deliver your message. Each drop of sweat is pouring from your heart. The funny thing is people that have heard me speak, listened to my podcast, seen me on QVC or on stage for P90X have NO idea that I am panicking inside. Surprising? YES! But somehow I do deliver. Just like Meryl Streep- I never knew she was a wreck before performing. Somehow when my mind says Run- get out of here- dont do this when an opportunity is presented to me- I still say yes. Even the final moments before doing something in front of people my mind is saying to run. I MAKE myself show up. PLEASE SHOW UP!!! If something makes you THIS nervous then you must have something GREAT inside you to share. I want to see you. I want to hear you. No matter how much it scares you- show us!! Steven Pressfield says the rule of thumb is: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it. You hear that my introvert friends. WE HAVE TO DO IT.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:13:23 +0000

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