To my friend, Marian: Q. Is the President of the United States - TopicsExpress


To my friend, Marian: Q. Is the President of the United States required to salute the troops? A. Navy Times. Com says, “there is no regulation requiring the president to salute…” Politicus USA says, “Republicans and conservatives are freaking over what they dubbed Obama’s “latte salute,” but truth is that there is no requirement that the president salutes, and thirty-eight presidents before Obama never saluted the troops.” Task and Purpose. Com, “There’s no regulation that stipulates presidents must salute the troops. In fact, for the first 192 years of our republic, it didn’t happen. None of the first 38 commanders in chief did it. And some of those dudes had some serious military experience. Eisenhower? Grant? I mean, Teddy Roosevelt was a war hero. Surely he felt compelled to click his heels together and cut a perfect knife-handed salute when he passed a uniform service member, right? Wrong. It was literally something that Ronald Reagan made up one day.” (I must add here that Pres. Eisenhower did in fact salute soldiers a few times). From Politifact we read, “For the record, no president is required to salute military personnel. And presidential salutes did not become commonplace until Reagan became president.” So, to Karl Rove and the folks at Fox News, who freaked out on the President’s apparent lapse in protocol that conservatives made up (it’s actually against protocol for any civilian to salute a member of the military) shocked and offended many a conservative, and even made it to Fox News.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:01:19 +0000

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