To my friends in FB. Yes i am online because I am already here in - TopicsExpress


To my friends in FB. Yes i am online because I am already here in Manila. Together with my son and 18 other flood victims we were transported by a military plane last sunday evening. I have not seen yet our house which was located at San Jose, the worst hit area where houses wiped out if not flattened. I was at Bethany Hospital during thebtyphoon confined for coughing and shortness of breathing because of my heart condition. I checked in Thursday morning at the emergency room. Immediate attention was given to me givng me intravenus injections antibiotics and other powerful medicines so that my water retention would be flushed out. They nebulize me 3 times in a 20 minute interval for my cough. Little by little my normal breathing was restored little by little with an aid of an oxygen. With dextrose and oxygen I was transported to my hospital room at the 1st floor of Andrew Hall . During the typhoon day, we were at my hospital bed observing the gushing winds and trees near the room being uprooted when suddenly a crashed sound was heard. It was the roof of the hospital above the childrens station being flwn out. Nurses, orderlies, patients and watchers from 2nd floor came rushing down to transfer. My daughter even offered our room for sharing but the nurse said there was an avsilable room. She closed the door and sst at my hospital bed with my son when suddenly she realized thst wster wss coming in. I panicked when I saw wster was rising up fast. When she opened the door the waterblevel was knee deep already. She let me out with my oxygen and grab my dextose and together with my son led me to second floor. It was so difficult to go upstair because patients transported to second floor were rushing again to be back upstairs. Lucky i am together with my son and daughter, we did not swim as it was only waist deep when we were able to go up. The wster reached about 5 ft to 7 ft at the hospital. A nurse let me out with my dextrose. I was so hungry because i was advused not to eat or drink until 9 am. My last meal was 6pm thursday. No food no water no medicine. I was able to eat when my daughter opened some rooms and she saw an untouched covered food in a tray. It was already past 11am. We spent the night at the hospital with a bread bought by my son in the nearby bakeshop. (He lined up for a breadloaf for a hundred per bread). We still have a gallon of water which he bought before the typhoon. On a saturday, we decided to walk from Bethany Hospital to Robinsons Hotel where my daughter worked. We left the hospital early to avoid the heat of sun that could easily wore or stress me out. I conditioned my children that i will wear my bra so that i could breath smoothly. We did reach robinsons after an hour walk. At robinsons, my daughter put me in a room that i could rest. Together with the other hotel guests, my daughter and other remaining hotel staff brought us to airport to board on C130 and military planes who brought victims either cebu or manila on s Sundsy.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 03:28:29 +0000

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