To my friends whom I never really see or talk to: I love you all & - TopicsExpress


To my friends whom I never really see or talk to: I love you all & I am sorry I am not a better friend. My life is beyond busy & hectic. I am juggling a career and kids all by myself. This means my days start at 6:30am getting 3 kids and myself ready for work/school & out the door by 8. Amare on the bus at 7:30, Coreyna to school at 8:15, then Javin goes to my moms. Then I get to work where I am always already late. This isnt just a job. I am managing customer accounts in a highly technical field, some of which are $500k+ accounts, & make up $2.5m of total sales that I manage, & its only growing, because of course that is my goal! My lunch break is picking of Coreyna from school, then Amare (in Trumansburg!), dropping them to my moms then rushing back to work. I pick up the kids at 5:45ish. If I dont have to go to the store for anything, it is home, dinner, baths, spend time with the kids, lay out clothes for the next day, get them into bed. By 8:30pm I am completely & totally exhausted. But I dont have a job that I can forget about when I leave for the day. Some of my customers are international & on a different time zones. Sometimes I have to work some more after I get my kids into bed because there are things that need attention that I didnt get to earlier in the day. See, its not that I dont love & miss you all, its just I barely have time to stop & use the bathroom, much less see any of my friends /
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 01:55:00 +0000

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