To my ga ga...whom hardly had anything but made up for it loving - TopicsExpress


To my ga ga...whom hardly had anything but made up for it loving me as her own...selfless as she was always giving to others always opening her arms and doors to ppl who didnt even deserve it...who had (7) children♥ and that is not including raising me!!! That woman would give u the shirt right off her back and her bra lol not in any perverse way but if someone needed it she would definately have given it up ! I miss her there is someone very dear to me that reminds me of her certain things she does the amount of children she has and thats my mother in my sisters and brother in laws I love you all everyone of u please donoy take your parents for granted we all argue with her we all have annoying moments but when u loose someone it for some reason takes that desperate moment to realize that she will be the only one out of many people that will and would do anything for you...and on the aspect it may seem small now but when that time comes it will be one of the most important qualities she expresses to you! Donot take her concern for her being desperately annoying for after she is gone u will urne dor that concern so much and foremost donot ever talk to her in a manner u will regret for I did and I did not have the chance to say im sorry.. even tho we all get mad and no matter what she will forgive but even knowing she will will not save u from the what ifs after her time is up I may not know alot but this is something I do know so I love you all and I love you darlene denise love your daughter in law- I want to take rhe time right now for all of our family to comment one thing they love about their mother I hope its not to much to ask and im sure its not cause us jacobs love us some momma lol...ill start!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:26:09 +0000

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