To my myself, my beloved Imaams/Scholars/Daees: What kind of an - TopicsExpress


To my myself, my beloved Imaams/Scholars/Daees: What kind of an example are we setting up for our youth and those that we are trying to give Dawah to? Are we inviting them to the way of Allah and His messenger while acting like gangsters and comedians, because that is hikmah and wisdom in doing so? I see many of us in positions of knowledge and Dawah, and it truly pains me wallah, that we imitate the ways of the ignorant people when delivering speeches by joking excessively, or wearing chains around our necks and looking rough and tough, or trying to earn brownie points by appeasing to the crowd while the spirit of the message that we came to deliver gets lost and loses its spiritual value. We say that Guidance is in the Hands of Allah and in the methodology of the Prophets way in giving Dawah, yet we utilize ways that was not part of his guidance nor of his Companions and those that came after them. I leave you with the below statement, that I heard for the first time from my teacher that was teaching us Hilya at-Talibul Ilm: In Siyar A`laam al-Nubalaa’, Imaam al-Dhahabee رحمه الله reported that al-Awzaa`ee رحمه الله said: “We used to joke and laugh, then when we were looked at as role models, I was afraid that even smiling would not be suitable for us.” [Siyar A`laam al-Nubalaa’ (6/556)] #Dawah #Sunnah
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:01:51 +0000

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