To my sista Kamula Makaka, I accept the gratitude challenge. I am - TopicsExpress


To my sista Kamula Makaka, I accept the gratitude challenge. I am thankful for you, you have remained a loving and loyal friend since I can remember. My oldest friend, I only need five minutes with you to find myself whenever I feel lost. You remind me of a stronger, fearless me from a different era, which is sometimes the kick on the behind I need once in a while when I forget my potential. And now, yet again, I can count on you to get me thinking of all my blessings. I salute you. I am grateful to God for the life I have lived, the lives that have touched mine and the grace I have received. God knows I have done nothing to deserve it, but I am alive, well and happy today and that is a miracle. To my family, both actual and acquired. I could not be more favored to have landed you lot in my corner. I constantly draw strength, encouragement, inspiration and joy from being a part of you. My acquired family - you need no introduction, you know yourselves, you have surpassed the definition of friend, you are my brothers and sisters by choice, and that is truly a blessing to be thankful for. I am thankful for my job, which I love. I thank my parents especially for seeing to it that I became what I am today, in spite of myself. They saw the passion in me long before I did. You guys are awesome, God bless you both. I am privileged to be a child of Africa, a citizen of Kenya. I have faith in you Kenya, and in Africa. Your resilience is admirable and your people are amazing. I thank God for placing me here. There is no place like home. #ProudlyKenyan. At this point, i wish to call upon Valerie Ramona to take up the gratitude challenge
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:27:43 +0000

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