To my soul mate, best friend and lover....Happy Anniversary Gareth - TopicsExpress


To my soul mate, best friend and lover....Happy Anniversary Gareth Geach! Eight years ago today you made me the happiest girl on the planet! And yet Im still the luckiest girl in the world...yes we havent had the smoothest ride and Ive done things I deeply regret but these feelings will never change and neither will the amount I love you! I love the way I just melt and you make me shake whenever Im around maybe a few years but those butterfly feelings will never leave! I couldnt have got any luckier meeting you as young as I did and getting married as young as we did....youve helped me grow and have taught me so much and learnt amazing things! I thank you for waiting around for so long that day....lucky I didnt make you wait as long when you gave me 2 most beautiful daughters anyone could ever wish for! Your the most amazing person Ive ever met and the best father! I cant tell you enough how lucky I am and how happy you make me daily and the best thing is we still always laugh at each other! I look forward to many many many more years where we are barely able to move but still mock each other like best friends!! Come my Gorgeous Gar dance with me forever..... I love you so much now and forever....xxxxxx
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:38:38 +0000

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