To my unborn children.. By the time you are reading this letter, - TopicsExpress


To my unborn children.. By the time you are reading this letter, two things are likely to have happened. You are either in your tender age and or in your rooms in my home which I shall build for your comfort and that of the less privileged kids across the world. It is in deep pain, anger and devastated mood that I have taken it into cognizance to write down this piece of note to you. Presently, I am an undergraduate of a particular self acclaimed university of first choice in the commercial city of this nation even though it is nowhere to be found among the top 5000th universities in the world. Unfortunately, I am forced to stay at home for the past six weeks now due to a strike action embarked upon by my lecturers against the egocentric rulers of our dear country who pay little or no attention to the nation’s public education. Many of whose children are either in private institutions or school abroad. Incredible it might sound to let you know that when I was in the elementary school my teachers went on strike, while I was in the secondary school my teachers did likewise and now that I am in the university my lecturers are doing the same thing. Sometimes, I always pause to wonder which one strike the more; my lecturers or thunder. Since the day I was born into this part of the world up till this day that I am writing you this note, I have never experienced a day/month/year without darkness. Although, I am presently not enjoying my existence in this country I found myself, the hope of calling you mine, the anxiousness of having you as my carbon copy, the eagerness of driving you to school and showing you pleasant places across the world someday brings great joy into my heart. I really do not know if you will be coming sooner or later in the nearest future but either way, I can’t wait for you to bear my surname; I can’t wait to meet with you… ENIOLA, ORIRE, OMOGBOLAHAN, by the time you get here, you would know that a particular day has been separated to celebrate the children (children’s day). But my celebration of you would not be constrained to that day, as I would celebrate not only you, but also the less privileged kids, for as long as I live. Like you, before I came into this world many had said this world is coming to an end, it never came to an end rather those with such notion ended in it. Some believes life goes on but in any case, live your life, enjoy yourself but not at the expense of your fellow human being and make use of it as life itself is a gift to the wise, a dream to the great one, a tragedy for the poor and a blessing to the rich. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting to come into this world, I am only preparing myself to be the best dad for you in this world and also waiting patiently to meet with your mum, the bone of my bone, the complete part of me whom together we will produce you, show you love and care, cater for your needs and above all help you to achieve your dreams in life…. I am writing this note as an expression of my love to you as well as to inform and get you aware about the WORLD you are coming into (a world of opportunity ruled by the bourgeoisie class where “machine” and “capital” are put ahead of human beings for profit maximization motives without taking it into cognizance, the potential damages that it will cause in the psyche......continue reading via titilopeanny/2013/08/to-my-unborn-children/
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 03:00:38 +0000

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