To my unborn son. Son I love you with all of my heart. If I die - TopicsExpress


To my unborn son. Son I love you with all of my heart. If I die before I get a chance to express my love for you. I hope this letter will soothe your soul. You are chosen for this life. At times It might not seem like it, but you are! You are my everything. You are my prince. I cannot express enough that I love you. Today throughout the world there is a lot of violence going on. I pray that I can shelter you from the worlds negatives. Son there will always be evil forces. In the bible it says that we are caught within a spiritual war. Though this is true, you were born to be the light. You are a shining star in this world and you will be treated as so. My love for you cannot be explained. I havent even seen you yet but my love for you is overflowing. Your cup will always be overfilled. As your father it is my job to make that happen. When I depart to the sky I pray that you feel no pain. Life is only the beginning of the journey to heaven. Each one of us born into this world is born innocent. Some are born into very difficult situations. I pray that when you arrive I can give you the life that I always wished for as a child. As you know my father died when I was fifteen years old. Brain cancer tore him apart but I never ran from the light. Instead I hid in the darkness of the shadows to escape the brutal torture police forcess were offering. They could not hold me down. As a young kid I was innocent. I was born into a situation where death seemed like a better option than continueing to fight. The cold was rough but I never gave up because I had hopes of one day meeting you. I pray to God everyday that one day I will get to see your face. At times it might seem like God has no hand in what is going on. The truth is he cant physically come down and support you. Thats why I was born. I am one of many kings born into this life. Your grandpa was a beast! He bench pressed four hundred fifty pounds. He loved spending time with family and the truth is he still does. Hes sitting beside me as you read this. He hopes you see many moons of pure happiness. Your grandmother is and was the best mother I could ask for. She is, and was the most giving human being I have ever met. Besides your grandfather, your grandmothers love for me was always pure. She loves you with your entire heart. If I depart before she does please treat her like a Goddess. She is one of Gods brightest angels. When you come to meet me in heaven our parties will be unbelievable. The earth is only a small immitation of the holy love and spirit that our father in heaven has in store for us. This neglegence of love displayed by evil individuals is just confusion. All will learn the love of God before they die. If they dont before they die they will surely will at the heavens gates. I will provide for you. I will always have my hand on what happens to you. No man alive will be able to touch you. I will apoint angels to look over you before I depart. No weapon formed to hurt you will ever prosper. Your life will be heavenly. You are chosen. My son you are my everything. Though I dont have you in my arms yet I know that one day I will. Right now Im taking care of everything. My job is to create heaven on earth for you. I will prosper. I am going to make life great for you. I promise you that. If youre reading this Ive already arrived in heaven. Enjoy your life and never stop being grateful. Give to the less fortunate. They will not only love you for your humble nature but they will also die for you. You will be so loved that people will put their life on the line for you. These actions they will take will be caused by the great amount of karma I have brought to the world. You will rise to be King. A negative force might take my earthly life from me. If that ever happens, do not hold hatred within your heart. Everything is meant to be. Forgive him or her immediately for they are the destined being to do it. We all depart. This was my time to go. Dont ever question it. Love each and every angel that is around you. Treat them like you treated me. Never put your hands on your children. Force is never necessary. I cannot wait until I see you shine on your throne. I missed my father for a very long time. Im so glad to be reunited with him. It also hurts me that moving on took me away from you. Lord knows that If I could live forever with you on Earth I would. I was born into this world as a legend. Each child born into this world is a legend. They all have different loves and aspirations. My vision for this world will defintely come to the light. I will provide everything you will ever need! Anything and everything will be at your feet. You are an indigo child. A perfect mix of blue and red. You have no evil within you. Evil does not exist! We are all indigo beings born into differnt circumstances. Please rescue as many indigo children as you can! You will have to the power to save a huge multitude of people. I will make sure of it! My blessings that I offer to the world will last forever! I hope this letter is not too short. I love you so I always search for more and more. I know that my actions will show my love for you! Son, take care of your siblings. If you are my only child, know that I love you. The indigo children of the Earth are your brothers and sisters. One love son. One love. Teach my ways to the world as I have always taught you. I love you son! With tremendous amount of Love, Jonathon Paul Zion
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:32:29 +0000

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