To offend people with truth I will never apologize... Who do we - TopicsExpress


To offend people with truth I will never apologize... Who do we represent? Do you know the man? Paul wrote “we know we no man after the flesh.” In other words we are not to know EVEN JESUS AFTER THE FLESH. We must know the resurrected Jesus not the Jesus of Galilee. The man of flesh is not what we are. Christ Jesus took Adam to the cross. God was not crucified on the cross, Adam was! If we fail to receive this in our heart we will not know the true nature of God. And if we fail to recognize this nature we will not be changed from the vile creature that we believe we are. Col. 3:1-4 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Any thing we can form in the thought of religious conviction is not God, for we can never know God with our carnal reasoning faculty—it cannot be done, as the human mind is incompatible. Do you hear this? The answer you get in your mind is also a projection of the five physical senses and is all based on your cultural background. All religion is a projection of what your past parenthesis has been. For instance, there are several concepts floating around as to what the nature of God and man is. It is very confusing if you rely on these mind formed doctrines of man and even in the Kingdom messages we can not find God. So the question to you that you must answer is this… “Who are you, what is God?” Can you not see that regardless of what came to you in the form of experience that you created it through by the imaging faculty? Originally, the image you now have of yourself was formed first by your mother and father, then perhaps by your Sunday school teacher or minister of religion. This was a picture projected into your thought by some authority; it is very subtle and misleading. 1 John 5:18-21 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. 1 John 5:20-21 (MsgB) And we know that the Son of God came so we could recognize and understand the truth of God—what a gift!—and we are living in the Truth itself, in Gods Son, Jesus Christ. This Jesus is both True God and Real Life. Dear children, be on guard against all clever facsimiles. Just remember, the truest words ever spoken are these in reference to God. If you can name it or think about it, it is not God. How can you get an infinite God embodied in your thought processes? How could you ever get an infinite spiritual God in the limitations of any thing that you can think? So regardless what thoughts you have about God, you made it by your own imaging faculty and they are all idols of the mind, they are all facsimiles. Do you hear me? Be assured of this, what you can conjure up in your mind is not God, never mind how profound it may be. And remember, there are many concepts floating around which explain to us their particular God concepts. You must experience God and put on the mind of Christ. This cannot be forced, you cannot will it to happen, it happens by total surrender! Yes in this war, you must surrender first before you can have victory! The church has painted this abstract picture of God that somehow we feel we can see, touch, hear. Yet can a mortal man come in contact with the Supreme Creator of the Universe and not be destroyed? Books have attempted to describe God, movies have created images of God and Jesus and yet these are all untrue. You can only know God from knowing Him within your own universe. You are the Garden of God where the Tree of Life has been planted. John 1:9 [That] was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Everyman has had that light of God planted with. The seed sowed for that Tree of Life to grow and to bloom and to produce fruit. It is from this tree that you feed and are spiritually fed. Religion is a dead and futile system of the carnal mind and it is a grave mistake to base our trust in these doctrines. The world is in a state of unrest because of fear. (F.E.A.R) False- Evidence-Appearing as Real. God the true ‘I AM’ is the CHRIST who hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. In the mind of Christ (not Jesus before his death but after) in which we all are in conscious union, providing we have been re--generated back to the original God--Self, the I AM of all living. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he gathered together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven{a heaven: Gr. the heavens}, and which are on earth; even in him. Those of you wanting to eat from this Tree in order to have successful missions against religion and bringing the captive out from that oppressive system will find true instruction in your quiet place within, your halcyon secret place of calm; quiet; and peacefulness. This is the undisturbed “REST OF GOD.” This is the place where you go to reload, to gather instructions and orders for the next plan of action. Our nature and character will reflect that of God as demonstrated by Jesus when He walked as a man on this earth. Jesus taught Love, not retaliation. Rev. 12:10-11 (KJV) And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. [11] And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Jesus taught us to be forgiving all who oppose us and terrorize us, even if attacked. Your biggest enemy however will not be from the outside. It will not be by those rejecting what you share or how you live your life, it will be from within! To follow the Lamb wherever it goes is the way! We can have the witness of total freedom only if we get to know the true God and Father of Jesus Christ---- in us and as us. The true God sense is --the principle of non--resistance, it is the Lamb of God which is the anti--dote to all evil or good. So I ask you… Are you truly ready for the battle ahead? Can you carry out the mission of liberating the church – religious mindset of good-willed people? You can’t do it, but God can through you! Now here is an inspired piece and more ammunition for the war. By Charles Slagle The Bible says that it is appointed to men once to die, and after that the judgment7 (Heb. 9:27-28). It does not say after death all hope is gone! Thus, we see that: Sodom’s fiery judgment is eternal (Jude 7)—until—God will restore the fortunes of Sodom (Ez. 16:53-55); Israel’s affliction is incurable (Jer. 30:12)—until—the Lord will restore health and heal her wounds (Jer. 30:17); The sin of Samaria is incurable (Mic. 1:9)—until—the Lord will restore . . . the fortunes of Samaria. (Ez. 16:53); Ammon is to become a wasteland forever and rise no more (Zeph. 2:9, Jer. 25:27)—until—the Lord will restore the fortunes of the Ammonites (Jer. 49:6); An Ammonite or Moabite is forbidden to enter the Lord’s congregation forever—until—the tenth gener-ation (Deut. 23:3); Habakkuk tells us of mountains that were everlasting, that is—until—they were shattered (Hab. 3:6); The fire for Israel’s sin offering (of a ram without blemish) is never to be put out. It shall be perpetual—until—Christ, the Lamb of God, dies for our sins. We now have a better covenant established on better promises (Lev. 6:12-13, Heb. 8:6-13); God’s waves of wrath roll over Jonah forever—until—the Lord delivers him from the large fish’s belly on the third day (Jonah 2:6,10; 1:17); Egypt and Elam will rise no more (Jer. 25:27)—until—the Lord will restore the fortunes of Egypt (Ez. 29:14) and restore the fortunes of Elam (Jer. 49:39). Moab is destroyed (Jer. 48:4,42)—until—the Lord will restore the fortunes of Moab (Jer. 48:47); Israel’s judgment lasts forever—until—the Spirit is poured out and God restores it (Isa. 32:13-15). So, narrow is the way to life and few find it—until—Christ and His church confiscate the strong man’s booty, setting the captives free so God becomes all in all (Isa. 61, Luke 11:21-22, Matt. 7:13; 16:18, 1 Cor. 15:24-28); God is now calling out a people for His name—an elect or chosen priesthood people who will represent and reflect His loving nature. Many are called and few are chosen—until—the small chosen priesthood people, by the Spirit, restore David’s tabernacle so ALL mankind may inquire of the Lord. Thus we see that the church is the first born, the beginning—until—in all (later born new creatures in Christ) our Lord will have supremacy (Amos 9:11-12, Matt. 22:14, Acts 15:14-18, Eph. 3:15, Col. 1:18). All manner of sin will be forgiven in this age as well as in the age (not eternity) to come, except blasphemy against God’s Spirit—until—such blasphemy finds pardon in the fullness of the times (or ages) when God unites all in Christ. For the Lord does not retain His anger forever because He delights in mercy (Matt. 12:32; 18:11,21-22, Eph. 1:9-11, Rev. 4:11; 5:13, Mic. 7:18-20). God’s wrath has come upon Israel to the uttermost (1 Thess. 2:16). So there is a gulf between the rich man in purple (Royal Covenant Son, Israel) and the saved gentiles (Lazarus) which no man can cross—until—Christ Himself crosses it to bring His promised restoration. For again, Scripture promises that ALL Israel will be saved (Jer. 50:5, Luke 16:19-26, John 12:32, Romans 11:26-29). Christ’s fallen apostle, Judas, will be restored just as surely as fallen Israel (of which he is a member) will be restored. For the gifts and callings of God are irrevoc-able, and He has purposed to unite all in Christ. For Scripture assures us that He who calls us is faithful. He will surely perform it. So Judas is lost—until—the Lord restores Him (John 15:16, 1 Thess. 5:24). So, Christ will say to unrighteous nations, Depart from Me into ‘everlasting’ fire. And these nations will go away into everlasting (original language: age-lasting) punishment or pruning.8 That is—until—by God’s severe mercy shown in judgment, all nations He has made glorify and worship Him. Thus God will fulfill His covenant with Abraham that in Christ all the families of ALL the nations will be BLESSED (Gen. 12:3, Ps. 62:12, 67:4, 86:9, Matt. 25:41,46). For according to Paul (Gal. 3:8), God’s covenant with Abraham means that ALL will be justified and set right with God. So all flesh will bless His name forever and ever (Ps. 145:21). Therefore, ALL scriptural references that speak of everlasting fire or judgment must be understood in light of God’s (Love’s) clearly expressed heart, promise, desire, purpose and will. They are everlasting; that is, they are continuous and on-going—until—God’s judgments serve to accomplish His unchanging will and purpose to unite all creation in Christ. (Gen. 12:3, Romans 4:13, Heb. 6:17). Gehenna’s fires are not quenched and its worm does not die—until—the restoration of all things which has been spoken of by all God’s holy prophets (Christ included) since the world began. For our Savior did not come to contradict His own prophets. Our Good Shepherd and Faithful Deliverer came to fulfill the law and the prophets! Thus our Lord does not cast off forever (Lam. 3:31-32, Heb. 13:8). He who taught us to forgive and bless our enemies will surely do the same for His. For every tongue will give thanks that in Him they have righteousness and strength. All flesh will bless His name forever and ever! For our Lord will not fail or become discouraged until He fulfills all of God’s purpose, word and will. For He tells us that everyone will be seasoned with fire (Matt. 5:17, Mark 9:42-49, Acts 3:21). Those who disobey the gospel and persecute Christians will be repaid with everlasting (that is, continuous) tribulation, destruction and punishment—until—by such persistent correction God shows them their need for Christ. So what is written in the prophets will come to pass, that all shall be taught of God, and everyone who has heard and learned from the Father (eventually) comes to Christ. Thus, all the families of the nations will remember Him and worship before Him. And all will submit to Him and sing His praise. So God’s promise will be fulfilled that ALL men shall reverence Him, proclaim His works, and wisely consider His doing (Ps. 22:27-28, 64:4-5, 64:9, 2 Thess. 1:7-10). Paul the apostle understood the forever until principle at work in God’s redemptive judgments. He knew the heart of God, and Paul also knew God’s will, purpose and plan. His knowledge of God’s character, will and purpose governed his understanding of Scripture. That is why Paul could appear to contradict the prophet David! Have a look at Romans 11:9-12 (NIV), where David prophesies: May their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a retribution to them. May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see and their backs be bent forever. And observe how Paul responds: Again I ask: Did they (Israel) stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the gentiles (pagans, all who are spiritually unenlightened) to make Israel envious. For if their transgression means RICHES for the WORLD, and their loss means riches for the gentiles—how much greater riches will their (Israel’s) fullness bring? Wow . . . ! In the next three verses Paul assures us: that Israel’s fall is the reconciliation of the world; that Israel’s fall will be (for them and all the world) life from the dead! (Ez. 37); that because the FIRST fruit (Israel) is holy, the whole world (lump or harvest field) is holy.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 09:14:45 +0000

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