To our loving daughter on her 12th birthday Dear Jorge - TopicsExpress


To our loving daughter on her 12th birthday Dear Jorge Today you are twelve years old. The past twelve years that have flown by way too fast, leaving me in blur of firsts; your first tooth, your first steps, your first music recital, your first loose tooth, your first day of school... Each one of your firsts was a first for me too and each one holds a place in our heart. We don’t know if there’s a way we can begin to explain how special these years have been to us, how special you are for us. We proud to see you become the young lady you’re becoming, so proud to watch you grow. We are proud to be your mother and father You won’t always agree with every decision your Ammiya and Thatiya. we make for you, but know that they are made with love, and only the best of intentions. Try to be patient with us and we’ll try to be patient with you. You’ve never been a tween before, and we’ve never been the parents of a tween before. we are sure it will be an adventure for the both of us. Know that even when we disagree, we will always love you. That nothing you can do will ever change that. As time goes on you will have to make your own choices. Some of those choices will be good, others will be Amiya, and Thatiya the consequences of those choices may last for years. Your Ammiya and Thatiya will be there to help you make choices whenever you need us. When you do make a bad choice, remember we are always there for you. We won’t protect you from the consequences, but we will be there to help you handle them. We love you and will always be there for you, even when you may not want us there. Our wish for you this year is to have fun. Watch goofy movies and stay up until the wee hours at sleepovers, sing out loud to the radio and dance in front of the mirror, get the giggles and poke fun at yourself. Soak up everything that 12 has to offer, thirteen will be here soon enough. Loving Ammya & Thatiya
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:11:59 +0000

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