To quell a few disputes, or at least attempt to: if you have ever - TopicsExpress


To quell a few disputes, or at least attempt to: if you have ever ran as fast as you could for ANY distance, youve done CrossFit. If you have done a 1,3,5, or whatever number rep max of a bench press...youve done CrossFit...without your consent! CrossFit IS constantly varied functional movements (which can be objectively measured, observed, and repeated) performed at high (relative) intensity with the aim to increase workload capacity across both broad time, and modal, domains...BUT!... Constantly varied functional movements (which can be objectively measured, observed, and repeated) performed at high (relative) intensity with the aim to increase workload capacity across both broad time, and modal, domains ARE NOT NECESSARILY CROSSFIT. Its like saying Tyler is an American, but an American is not a Tyler. The validity of CrossFit can be found in the Games, and the capabilities of our athletes all over the world. Are our athletes the best at olympic weightlifting? No. Best runners? No. Best....anything? No. Are we the best at the ABILITY and CAPABILITY of doing EVERYTHING that is objectively measured, observable, and repeatable? In comparison to any other training methodology, BY FAR, yes. Why? Because CrossFit is always adapting, evolving, and becoming more efficient. For the runners out there, have you sought out a professional running coach, or subject matter expert, to increase your efficiency and efficacy in your sport? CrossFit has, and spreads the knowledge. How about those powerlifters out there? Hope so. CrossFit has too. Gymnasts? Yup. CrossFit is a training methodology which focusses on continual progress in physical capabilities of all capacities and modalities. What does it take to do this? Seek out the experts in certain fields, learn, train, and become better, and then incorporate all of that in training regimens which tax all metabolic pathways. Those stupid cross fit workouts most nay-sayers are talking about are Met Cons,...and for the record, its CrossFit, not cross fit. Laymens terms? CrossFit is really hard. It holds the athlete accountable to always seek to become better at everything. It crushes your comfort zone, and among a million other things...LOOKING good naked is a SIDE EFFECT of CrossFit, not the goal. Its not the purpose people do CrossFit. It just so happens we look fantastic in our birthday suits. The BEST part of CrossFit is that its SCALABLE, so no one has to be good at ANYTHING in order to get started BECOMING good at EVERYTHING. Its a process, and the side effect along the pathway to elite fitness is looking like a superhero and being nearly as physically capable as one as well. And dont get me started on the EMPOWERMENT people EARN by holding themselves to a standard, and increasing their ABILITIES and capabilities through CrossFit. Not a lot of confidence in ones ability to survive a zombie apocalypse comes from 20 minutes on an elliptical after a few sets of bicep curls and calf raises. A lot of the heat from CF Haters seems to come from people who have no clue at all WHY people do CrossFit. I just listed my overlying reasons. Its great to get into bar arguments with people who hate CrossFit because I can ask a runner (or beefcake) if they can walk on their hands, or take a weight on the ground and get it up over their heads. Those people look at me like WHA?! I can do a billion pounds on a leg press or a folly-lolly-shoulder machine!... Face palm. See how that conversation is hard to have, based on what I just ranted about in the above paragraphs? I think we are all speaking a different language. But, Boss, if youre doing ANYTHING and are healthy, CrossFitters are going to cheer you on. We just train differently, and probably for completely different reasons. ...And our squats just happen to be better, and are good for our knees. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 18:07:08 +0000

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