To quote the chair, Government representatives informed us of - TopicsExpress


To quote the chair, Government representatives informed us of their dissatisfaction with the agreement, including the lost opportunity, now identified in the recent judgment, to ‘impose concessions which advance education initiatives’ through legislation triggered by the failure of collective bargaining,” This is what is at the crux of the matter. A hatred, yes, hatred of teachers. Why? Because we tell the truth and we do not support a liberal or right wing government. We are a social justice union, and when we see unjust things happening, like child poverty we speak up. This battle, has been all about this. First, they take away the right to oversee ourselves as professionals, by taking away our college and imposing their disciplinary process. Now teachers sneeze, and they are reported, embarrassed, publically aired even if the findings are that they did not sneeze. Next, they want to break the union, so heavy fines of unprecedented nature are put on them, no right to strike unless we ask. What kind of democracy is this, back to the dark ages. Teachers are not essential, if parents had affordable daycare, they would not mind if we went on strike. This is not a matter of life or death, but of economics, parents have to pay extra to have their kids looked after. Next, the government wants to dumb down the curriculum, and they do not want any silly teacher to stand up and say no. They want to fire, anyone who stands up for what is right, so the concessions are, to take away the process that exists now which is a very good evaluative process, which helps the worker first and provides further training, just like any business does. These are the education initiatives this government wants to impose. They want computers and programs brought in, larger classes, overseen by a teacher who is a supervisor and individual education writer rather than a teacher playing a vital role in encouraging critical thinking and building all the skills needed for a smart voter. They want to replace books and teacher knowledge with mass prepared materials from huge corporations like Pearson. Who knows how much $$ will go into the Liberal coffers once those contracts are done. Instead of increasing planning time they want to decrease it. Instead of more teachers, they want administrators to decide how their piddly amounts of money is spent, a top down, authoritative model rather that one based on student and teacher need. Those are their education initiatives. Guess what Fassbender, we dont need them. We are already one of the world best educators, we have survived 12 years of austerity and we are still on top. Take your initiatives and shove them, and bring back the respect that teachers deserve.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:33:35 +0000

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