To relax, to feel the love in your heart and keep to that as your - TopicsExpress


To relax, to feel the love in your heart and keep to that as your focus in every situation--thats the meaning of spiritual surrender. It changes us. We become deeper, more attractive people. In Zen Buddhism, theres a concept called zen mind, or beginners mind. They say that the mind should be like an empty rice bowl. If its already full, then the universe cant fill it. If its empty, it has room to receive. This means that when we think we have things already figured out, were not teachable. Genuine insight cant dawn on a mind thats not open to receive it. Surrender is a process of emptying the mind. In the Christic tradition, this is the meaning of becoming as a little child. Little children dont think they know what things mean. In fact, they know they dont know. They ask someone older and wiser to explain things to them. Were like children who dont know, but think we do. The wise person doesnt pretend to know what its impossible to know. I dont know can be an empowering statement. When we go into a situation not knowing, there is something inside us which does. With our conscious mind, we step back in order that a higher power within us can step forward and lead the way. We need less posturing and more genuine charisma. Charisma was originally a religious term, meaning of the spirit, or inspired. Its about letting Gods light shine through us. Its about a sparkle in people that money cant buy. Its an invisible energy with visible effects. To let go, to just love, is not to fade into the wallpaper. Quite the contrary, its when we truly become bright. Were letting our own light shine. We are meant to be this way. We are meant to shine. Look at small children. Theyre all so unique before they start trying to be, because they demonstrate the power of genuine humility. This is also the explanation of beginners luck. When we go into a situation not knowing the rules, we dont pretend to know how to figure anything out, and we dont know yet what there is to be afraid of. This releases the mind to create from its own higher power. Situations shift gear and lights go on simply because our minds have opened up to receive love. We have gotten out of our own way. Love is a win-mode, a successful and attractive vibration. We think that success is difficult, and so, for us it is. Success in life doesnt have to involve negative tension. We dont have to be struggling all the time. If you think about it, taking the bull by the horns would be a very dangerous thing to do. In fact, ambitious tension actually limits our ability to succeed because it keeps us in a state of contraction, emotionally and physically. It seems to give us energy but doesnt really, like the white sugar of mental health; theres a short high, followed by a crash. The cultivation of mental rest, or surrender, is like eating healthy food. It doesnt give us an immediate rush, but over time it provides a lot more energy. This doesnt require sitting in a lotus position all day. We still get excited, but more gently. Many people associate a spiritual life with a grade B movie, but God doesnt get rid of all the drama in our lives. He just gets rid of the cheap drama. There is no higher drama than true personal growth. Nothing could be more genuinely dramatic than boys becoming real men and girls becoming a real women~love this!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:11:59 +0000

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