To say today has been a busy emotional/crazy/unexpected day is a - TopicsExpress


To say today has been a busy emotional/crazy/unexpected day is a TOTAL understatement. We started off with a mom, Kristin Holloway, coming over and assisting with the HUGE donations we got yesterday. We got so much done and her kids were so precious! After we were done sorting someone tagged me that a mom needed a pack and play cheap. Kristin just so happened to bring me one this morning so I called her and told her she could have it for free. After speaking with her for awhile I found out they were in a dire situation. They have no car and $20.00 to live off off with barely any food and living in a hotel. My Coupon Warrior Toni Mendoza got food, toiletries, laundry detergent and more essentials together for them. The Baby Bootie Bank stepped up and donated some diapers and wipes. One of the owners even gave a $50.00 Walmart gift card, which we will shop with them tomorrow. Megan and I gathered clothing for both kids, toys, bathtub, wash rags, soaps, playmats, blankets, Diapers, Wipes, Pack and Play and food! I visited this family today and they are in dire need of just the basic necessities. They have barely any food. Tomorrow Megan Nagase-Le, Racheal Stone and I are going shopping for food for the family. If you want to donate money so that we can do more for families like these, please visit here: https://youcaring/HenrysWarriors They are a beautiful family and the story is below: Hi my name is Sabrina and I have 3 kids, A 4 year old girl, a 2 year old boy and a 9 month old girl. My husband and I found out we had been living for months with mold in our home. We did not know what the harmful things the house caused my kids and I. The babies were always getting sick and i never knew why. I had to to take them to the er over a lot of time in the past year because they got so sick an keep on getting sick until i found out we were living in mold. We moved ASAP but we lost a lot of stuff because of the mold. We do not have a lot of money to live in an apartment so the budgets suites is where we are. After bills we dont have much money left over for any thing else. We been going through a lot of struggle these past 2 years with formula diapers and extra stuff we have to buy. He is the only one working and I am a stay home mom. Its not easy when u cant afford stuff for my kids its heart breaking. I only have a little money here an there. I try to look around for the stuff i need but not everything i need is in my price range. My babies only have 2 bottles. I have been needing a lot for my babies and i been trying my best for the past two years to get them the stuff they need. I worked at a job for a week and had a baby sitter but in the first week they didnt watch my son and let him get in the knife draw and cut his fingers open. I had to take him to the ER. There are not many people u can trust who can watch your kids with out have to come home to blood every where an u cant work because of the poor baby sitter who watched my kids. So I have to stay home to keep my kids safe an yes its a struggle to have no extra money an paying rent every week and there are some times we almost dont make rent. My boyfriend doesnt make a lot of money and we do not have a car that runs. Been praying that things would get better. Things would just get better for me kids an some day we will be able to both have jobs an both be making money. That we will have a nice house a car that runs. I walk every where with my kids its very hard because we cant afford a new one an when we do we get them off other people who end up ripping us off. I am praying thing will get better here in the next few years for me an my kids. Thank you for all we got donated today to us. My daughter will have a bed to sleep in and our kids will have food tonight.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 04:23:55 +0000

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