To see a transformation from a dog listed as unpredictably - TopicsExpress


To see a transformation from a dog listed as unpredictably aggressive, and folks witnessing he wanted to kick some arse at the shelter; to see him take a turn from Kennel Cough to a life-threatening Pneumonia that witnessed another GSD brought in in the same shape but sadly pass away in two days, while we sat with Maverick day in and each night holding his paws fighting right there alongside him; to come to find out that Maverick suffered from very damaged lungs to begin with the result of which his past came into play, his being most likely a guard dog for some chemical company or worse, a meth lab; to nurse him back to health and work with a great individual for over 5 months and all of us believing it was a great match only to find out Lisa had her own health issues which prevented her from keeping him; to just happen to have a future adopter of another rescue in place at the exact same time, so that a smooth transition and awesome transport back to me was available to me; to meet the Bearups after our working together on another adoption for 6 months and see the joyful union of yet another precious fur baby, renamed Esther, because of the divine manner this all unfolded; to have Maverick enter into our home and my a pack and the fosters new to him, ALL integrate so well, one cannot tell me that a Higher Power, much greater than me, is NOT involved here. Too many ducks, lined up perfectly, for these very moments to occur so beautifully. THIS is why I continue to do this rescue work. THIS is why I handle the naysayers in a manner that remains civil and fact-based. When rescue is done right, there is NO aspect of it that needs to remain hidden. Rest assured, I cannot take the time to report every last detail on each dog, but I am more than willing AND able to provide pertinent information on any one of my rescues when asked. I believe The Village is made up of some incredible, hard-working and passionate people just wanting to see injustice to these amazing animals rectified in the best possible manner. We work very hard at Paws of Life German Shepherd Rescue to ensure the happy ending and the new beginning for each and every animal we save. One does not need a tax I.D. nor a famous name to do great work. Due diligence, patience, being thorough and having amazing people to work with from those that network, to fosters, to groomers, to vets, to adopters, IT TAKES A VILLAGE to save a Life and Lord-willing, I fully intend to continue working with everyone who has the same work ethic and passion for service as I do, to save more lives, one dog at a time. Come join us on each of these amazing journeys. Laugh with us and Love with us. BE that change we all want to witness and prove to the haters that a huge group of people CAN be just as effective as they think they are.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 16:21:09 +0000

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