To some of our Muslims Brothers and Sisters out there, concerning - TopicsExpress


To some of our Muslims Brothers and Sisters out there, concerning how Allah(swt)s name is been mentioned or written as The God in English. First of all, Allah is The God. Arabic word AL-stands for The i.e. definite article as opposed to LAH that refers to a god, an god or a particular god. as practices by polytheists, the pagans have different gods, and what we, monotheists are saying is that we should have a central God for all gods, that means The God. One God. The real definition of god is power. Also, we believe there are various seen and unseen powers, as Jinn, forces in mammals, and powers that we can see and feel such as the sun, the moon, the water, the wind, the fire, the stars, the earth, and other that we called hero because the believe they are supernatural, maybe a person or a thing is having special powers to heal the sick or other benefit which derives from them. and for the fear of loosing such benefit, so, human turn to such thing or person as is or her idol. We as Muslims Believe there is One hidden Power who give powers to all these gods, and that Hidden Power is The God to be worshipped indeed because The God gives powers to whom It will. Therefore, The Central God is the God of all gods and that is Allah(swt). Now how we write The God in English I have notice some of our brothers and sisters like to abbreviate by G-d as God, and one reason I was told is that if you reverse word as God it means Dog, Of-Cause I am not worshipping Dog, and I dont care what benefits dog has is not my God. And I see it, and how the level of conscious of Allah(swt) in believers hearts like high waves, so I feel when I am writing the name of our Prophet Muhammed, like I would, but whenever I see it Muhammad at the end mad make sick to my stomach, of-cause med at the end of Mohammed sound to me for medications to cure your ignorance, envy, jealousy, backbitten, and become original human nature. So, dear Muslims, it depends on our audiences, if we are communicating Allah to an English man is better we say and write it as it is; The God is Allah,(swt) stands for All-Mighty.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 01:23:31 +0000

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