To specialize in one sport or not. To play year round or not. - TopicsExpress


To specialize in one sport or not. To play year round or not. I have seen a lot of talk around this subject. One might think that I am a big advocate to specialize but I am not. Nor am I am advocate to play 3 or more sports. There are a lot of smart people giving their opinions, some backed by scientific data, some are not supported by anything but opinion. To be honest, I think people overthink things now-a-days. I like to keep things simple. Every kid is different....some are very talented and others are not as gifted and need to work extremely hard to be competitive in any sport. Do what your you think is best for your child. If you are an objective parent, you will know what is best for them. I think specializing in a sport makes sense if that is what makes the kid happy and they have the right training program. For instance, playing baseball year round doesnt mean they play baseball year round! Some kids play the season (April - August), then get into strength and conditioning mode from Sep-Mar. If they stay active, have the right resources, this may be a good thing of them. Some kids thrive on competition and can be competitive in every sport they play. I would NEVER keep my kid from playing different sports if they loved playing them and competed in all of them. This keeps them motivated and develops different skills. I played 3 sports, was decent in all of them but I had a VERY competitive side of me. I loved competition. If I had just played 1 sport, I would have been really good, but missed out on what I love which is competition. At the end of the day, dont let a coach, parent or any other person dictate what you do with your child while making these decisions. Be objective, do what your kid enjoys and loves. Kids need to be happy with what they are doing, sports is not the end all, be all. It is an avenue to build skills that kids can use later in life. Not everyone is going to be a professional or elite athlete. Coach Rat
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 22:34:59 +0000

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