To start my #SWA story: Just want To inspire all people in joining - TopicsExpress


To start my #SWA story: Just want To inspire all people in joining SUpreme Wealth Alliance (SWA) online marketing. I am Bebe Canizares, my real name is Lita Fogle, I am happily married with an American and presently living in U.S.A. I have husband and kids to take care of and a full time employee but still I did managed my time of inserting SWA in my daily routine. At first, I really doubted this program because its hard to believe for me before that I can earn online. But I searched on it anywhere in the internet and ask many many other members how the SWA system works. And then I take risk to spend my $55 or 2500 pesos. I learned a lot in the SWA Library e-books inside my SWA link and then I shared to everyone. My intention of joining this program before is just because of the e-books, but when I read some books in the SWA Library, it changes my life and creating me a desire to share this to others. Everybody has a PRIDE and for sure a got a big PRIDE anyway. But slowly I conquer it , so I start posting on my status everyday and then here I am now. It becomes my habbit of updating my status about SWA. Its true that SWA is connecting people and Uplifting lives. I made a lot of friends since I joined this program. My husband dont want me to involved this kind of program in the internet because he can feed me and the whole family and I have work too. But I just want to prove it to myself how possible to earn online. Now I PROVED it., now I EARNED. So I said to myself , YESSSSSSS!! Its not that big but at least I proved it to myself that #SWA is REAL and LEGAL.,. Thanks God for I made the right choice. So, my point is if you will not really try, you will not know what is in it. ITS ALL REALLY DONE ONLINE, NO HASLE ..SWA is anywhere around the world. And whatever status you have in life as long as you know how to do facebook, Bo000mmmmm.. youre qualified!!! To all new members of SWA, the first step or the key of success is in yours already, dont loose it. Eventhough you will do it slowly but continuesly , as the networkers saying goes QUITERS NEVER WIN AND WINNERS NEVER QUIT. DONT LISTEN TO NEGATIVE PEOPLE AROUND YOU...Good luck everyone!To GOD BE THE GLORY...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 04:10:54 +0000

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