To start off I don"t spell worth a shit so forgive me for that. #1 - TopicsExpress


To start off I don"t spell worth a shit so forgive me for that. #1 we need to get our heads out of the sand we need to get back to basics schools need to start teaching our kids about our true history and what our ancesters went thru for their freedom now we take for granted we need to stop pulling the race card and judge people by their actions not their race we need to clean house in DC [how much does it cost the tax payers for the president to campaign the whole time in office] I hope its deducted from pay check its about time our elected start doing for people not the corporations [in other words taking bribes we need to put a limit on campaign spending we need to get rid of the irs go to a sales tax get rid ALL illlegles period make English the only lang [print all literature in English]blacks need to stop bringing up the slave thing I know all about that I have ansestors who died in the civil war for their freedom. Well one last word we need people in DC that loves our country more then their pocket book we need some [REAL AMERICANS IN THE WHITE HOUSE]
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 16:45:03 +0000

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