To start, todays a new day, so please help us win a $25,000 - TopicsExpress


To start, todays a new day, so please help us win a $25,000 creative grant from Wells Fargo. Go to this link and look for the [vote for this] button under our orange picture. Its free and takes mmmmaybe ten seconds, but it helps us a lot if you vote. You can vote every day, if you like (hint: you like). https://wellsfargoworks/project?x=us-en_viewentriesandvote_2142_ But why, you might ask. What do we do? Todays a new story... Heres one of our particularly cool things we do and that this will help support: You know whats fun? Making movies. But even more than that, making movies as part of our Lets Make a Movie workshop. If youve never been to one, this is how it works: Over the space of a weekend, we get together with a group of workshoppers, walk them through how to make a movie on the cheap, brainstorm a movie from the workshop participants, and then we make that movie. Right then. My partners in crime for this endeavor over the years are all skilled and amazing filmmakers, including Ryan K. Johnson, Brian Oberquell, Eric Morgret, Leopoldo Marino, Lisa Sherman, and sometimes weve had others join us, too. We started doing this at #Norwescon, but then we started expanding to other conventions. We did several at #Baycon, several at #Crypticon, and last summer, we were hosted by #Necronomicon in Providence -- the birthplace of H. P. Lovecraft (Im a fan -- can you tell?) This is something I look forward to doing. All year. Every time I get a new convention interested, I dance like that baby in Ally McBeal. What does all this do, you might ask. There have been times when people have come up to me and TOLD me I made a movie. I took your workshop and I was totally inspired and I made a movie and I love it! I cannot tell you how giddy that makes me, how happy I am when I hear that. But remember -- the baby from Ally McBeal. Thats what it does. People participate in these workshops and they have a blast and they see that with basically no planning and a lot of creativity, we manage to assemble a halfway decent movie. That inspires them. That tells them If this bunch of misfit toys can make a movie in a weekend, imagine what I can do if I actually PLAN it! Im sure theres something better to do than inspire people to create, but today, I have no idea what that might be. Every single workshop, weve made a movie. Every single one. (and if you have a local convention where you think this might be fun, TELL THEM and have them contact us!) Heres a list of the movies weve made as part of workshops: * 31 * 37 Minutes * Blood in the Hall! * Con of the Dead * ConCeption * CSI: Norwescon * Cult of the Giant Brain * Fantiques Roadshow * Intergalactic Bad Astra * It Came from the Elevator * Its a Terrible Life * KNWC * ManSlugs!: the making of a Sci-Fi original * March of the Fenguins * The Matricks * Naming the Unnameable * Run Frodo Run * Steve: portrait of a minion * Ultimate Survivor: Norwescon * Warehouse 36 * Weekend at Hellcon * Worlds Deadliest Convention/Machinechete If you want to learn more about those projects, check out hellbendermedia/WFilms.html The workshop is something we do because we love it. Thats part of where that grant money will go -- to help us keep doing that, and maybe do even more. So vote, please! Vote and share and enjoy reading about the movies, and come to our next workshop! Cheers, Edward
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:14:44 +0000

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