To stop war permanently from earth - A World Government is - TopicsExpress


To stop war permanently from earth - A World Government is imperative ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why huge amount of wealth is spent by every nation on Defense? To safeguard the political policy and territory of each nation; to safeguard the natural resources and man-made wealth and beauties of each country; and to safeguard the cultural values of its people, every nation is forced to maintain its own defense at tremendous cost. For war and its preparation and for maintain defense forces for safety even in peace time, a huge amount of wealth is spent by every nation. If the same safeguard, protection and security for all nations of the world are assured by the mutual defense system, no individual country need have a separate army. To stop war permanently on Earth and rather utilize all its expenses for the welfare of people in all fields of life, a powerful world order is needed. A World Government is imperative. The major portion of the world is linked economically. Until it is linked politically there will be inevitable conflicts and disturbances to peace. Therefore World Government is mandatory. Present Environment: Now the world has come to a stage when all the differences prevailing among men on the basis of economics, politics, and religion will disappear for the following reasons: 1. The articles necessary for life are produced by the help of machines. In a short period of time the overflow of commodities will induce everyone to reduce their commodities to get themselves liberated from the burden of holding and protecting them. 2. People living all over the world are closely linked by quick transport facilities 3. Economically and socially all nations are linked with one another 4. Education and knowledge of science are advancing rapidly towards philosophy of Nature 5. International culture is forming and advancing among the people of all nations, by migration and by mixed marriages Utilising all these facts we can put an end to war. International brotherhood can be created and preserved. Now the time has come; mankind must cooperate and achieve the goal. A common forum for all countries with equal representational right to participate is necessary. For this purpose we can use the United Nations Organisation, promoting its status to serve as a Supreme World Federal Government. As it is now, there are some defects in the U.N.O. Those defects should be removed so that it can work with a free hand for World Peace. Defects with United Nations Organisation: 1. All the countries in the world are not members of the United Nations Organisation. So it is not a world common-forum in spirit and in facts 2. Its member countries have no representative rights according to their population strength. So it is not working on democratic lines 3. Only a few of its member countries have Veto Power. Therefore the U.N.O. has become the private property of a few mighty nations of the world 4. It has no strength of its own authorized force. Thus it cannot enforce its decision against any country which refuses to abide or dares to neglect or violates its rules, decisions, orders or directions. Unless all these four defects are rectified, the U.N.O. cannot do good to the world and secure peace. It is not too difficult to rectify the defects and convert the same U.N.O. into the World Common Forum. The very same U.N.O. can be made as the World Supreme Legislative Assembly and World Supreme Government, provided the above mentioned defects are rectified. Interim Plan: As a first step the U.N.O. should take the responsibility of securing the borders of all nations as they are. No country may be allowed to encroach the territory of another. Control or administration of one country or any part thereof by any other country is to cease. The U.N.O. will not enter into the internal politics of any country Sovereignty of all nations will remain as it is, without the presence of armed forces. No country should have its own army for defence; the armies of all nations should be handed over to the U.N.O. to maintain and use with full right. There will be no war because the services of the armies of all nations will be under the control of the U.N.O. The U.N.O. should use the skill, energy and services of the armed forces to develop the backward nations and backward people of the world. The maintenance expenses should be met by the country which hands over the armed forces, until the personnel are retired. An international Court of Justice should be constituted by the U.N.O. All claims over border issues should be heard and judged. Such judgement will be final and all countries should abide by it. There shall be a Spiritual and Social Service Unit in the U.N.O. which will supervise the social reformation and welfare work in all countries with the cooperation of each. The child-raising project will be carried out by the U.N.O. in all countries, with the children voluntarily given by their parents during the Interim Plan of twenty years. After fifteen years of the Interim Plan for Peace have passed, the preparation for the Ultimate Plan should be started. - Vethathiri Maharishi (To be continued tomorrow - “ULTIMATE PLAN FOR WORLD PEACE”)
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:56:43 +0000

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