To subdue who it is even libidinous and repugnant the average to - TopicsExpress


To subdue who it is even libidinous and repugnant the average to vanquish the total percentage scored. when in history record do u come across that vices and corruption and bribery are more consented by the people than honesty and decorous run of policies. it is disgraceful act and lack of understanding and injustice that rign all over the states in Nigeria. if not how could a insufficient person would beat and won a majority votes, lack of stigmatization in our countries is causing this. if those lewd and obscene individuals called themselves ours political leaders been disgraced publicly in their evil been caught doing, it will server as a lesson for others heart that been seen sort stigmatization given to his follow country person. but my country leaders rather than swept it under the carpet, and acts as if nothing went wrong. Nigeria as my country has been provoking at regular service wrong and evil and lips service they rendered to the people after have been made promised to perform and complements their duties functions according to the provision of Constitution of Federal Republic Of Nigeria and is that what written in the Nigerian Constitution. the Nigerian leadership interpreted the provision of Constitution of federal Republic of Nigeria wrongly in order to consolidate corruption and bribery in the country. Judges took bribed to perverse injustice, Nigeria Police Force couldnt no longer follow the due process of investigation, arrest, detention and torture they execute their duties functions wrongly there going all about harassment, disturbing peace and accusing people any how. the leadership runs policies parasitical to the masses they made live difficult for the poor, they also criticized poor people wrongly of which is not supposed to be. the almost Nigerian organizations, politics, and companies each has it onw way of corruption. including all Religious worship in Nigeria are corruption lies teller are many in nowaday churches and mosques. Nigerian makes an end to all this because a nation that built by corruption and bribery it shall surely collapse be warned! be warned!! be warned!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 09:39:20 +0000

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