To support any gov or business plan or agenda that does not follow - TopicsExpress


To support any gov or business plan or agenda that does not follow basic human decent ideals is supporting everything that has been done to shame, bully, neglect, avoid, demonize, and criminalize a nation of people . If this is ok for you , transfer to another plot of land on another land base and see if your life is better off there. Here in Canada, I do no give social license to mess with my nation anymore! Chris Mcleod And if you think all the first peoples will stop the building on their lands. Better take a good look at how the R.C.M.P. will be used like they were in the eastern province with the shale gas protests. It will be built. Like · Reply · 16 hours ago via mobile Leona Peterson i have a problem with what you wrote. You believe that first nations cant stop this? you believe a gov has the right to do right of domain with lands they do not own ? I will tell you this, one reason the gov of Canada has gotten away with its crimes against the native nations of Canada is because of the social l license they were given by ignorance. It has been pointed out countless times how Canadians dont want more money given to natives that went thru residential horrors, why keep money for something we didnt do, what everyone fails to realize that is there was an acceptance for what was going on. Millions of Canadians thought it was ok for reserves to be set up and running, but they agreed with gov to put sanctions on South Africa for the same system that was modeled off of the Canadian reserves. I remember the uproar during the 80s over this and felt as young as I was that they dont protect us why do they get alarmed about people they dont see in their own communities. Now my whole point is this, support of the natives is integral to stopping Enbridge and every ones voice is required to make a difference. The natives have stated thru this whole process, WE ARENT DOING THIS JUST FOR OURSELVES, EVERYONE BENEFITS FROM THE LIFESTYLE THAT IS PROMOTED OF NO TANKERS OR BITUMEN PIPELINES IN NORTHERN BC. Like · 9 minutes ago Leona Peterson The RCMP have always been used to subject natives to compliance behaviours. Ever hear of children being taken from their reserve homes by gunpoint, it happened and was allowed because no one cared. No one spoke up. No one changed how we were treated. That social license is dead to me . I wont stand by and allow corrupt gov and business to over power my wishes and thoughts that are for the next generations prosperity because others think that supporting natives is still the wrong thing to do. We have values and want them respected. Enbridge, Harper are not enough to ensure that BC isnt collateral damage to bad industry. They need everyones help or they wouldnt be demonizing a people bent on the best future possible with the way Earth is right now. Do not believe propaganda about natives not wanting to support jobs, before colonization every one had a role in our society, everyone was taken care of, no one was left out. That kind of life is supreme in my eyes.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 21:16:01 +0000

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