To tackle the problem of urban decay and severe housing problem in - TopicsExpress


To tackle the problem of urban decay and severe housing problem in Hong Kong, urban redevelopment is inevitable in some extent. In order to improve the living environment and environmental quality of Hong Kong, government has to implement different urban planning methods including urban redevelopment. There are conflicts between different stakeholders in redevelopment projects. Government has to balance the interest of different stakeholders so as to improve citizens’ quality of life. First of all, the government should give more support to the affected residences and shopkeepers. Some of the citizens and merchants may have to move to another district when their districts carry out redevelopment. They may not be able to afford the high cost of resettlement. Most of the affected residences and merchants are not satisfied with the compensation the government offered, as it is not enough for them to find an alternative shops and homes in the same district after redevelopment. The government should provide financial support to residence and shopkeepers in order to alleviate their financial burden of resettlement. Also, some of the tenants’ shops have to close down during redevelopment. The government may consider giving them extra compensation so as to support the tenants ‘ living. Moreover, the government should set up ‘flats-to-flats’ and ‘shop-to-shop’ scheme on same site as soon as possible. As most of the residence and merchants do not want to earn money from the renewal projects, they only want the actual value of a house or a shop. Some of the residences are also afraid that redevelopment destroys their community as the residences and shopkeepers have to other districts. Guarantee them with a new home or shop on the same site after renewal will be the best solution to minimize the affected residences and shopkeepers concerns. Secondly, government should invest more money on Urban Renewal Authority in order to solve the conflicts among various stakeholders. As Urban Renewal authority is a self-financing authority, they have to make profits for themselves. So most of the renewal projects they have done aimed at gaining profits. For instance, building shopping malls in Mong Kok and luxurious residential areas. Although these renewal projects transformed the areas into new tourists sights and luxurious living areas, they cannot serve the original residence and shopkeepers. Which is to say, these projects failed to follow the Urban Renewal Authority’s major principles: ’Putting people first.’ ‘District-Based’, and ‘Community Participation.’ By investing more money on Urban Renewal Authority, they can receive financial support on doing projects that are less profitable but suitable for residence and shopkeepers. The Urban renewal Authority can carry out projects that renew the existing residential areas and shops so residence and shopkeepers are guaranteed to stay in the same community after renewal. With government investment on Urban Renewal Authority’s renewal projects can ease the authority’s financial burden and maximize the benefits to the people and community. Thirdly, conversation groups may concern that buildings with historical and cultural heritage will be put down in redevelopment projects. The government can preserve some of the historical buildings in the area for alternative uses. For instance, Mei Ho House in Shek Kip Mei estate is the last remaining example of ‘Mark II’ building in a single-block configuration. While other buildings of the estate have been demolished, Mei Ho House was chosen to be preserved. Mei Ho Building will be used as hostel in the future and also exhibition area with guided tour detailing the living environment of public housing units in the past. Government can carry out more project of this kind so as to redevelopment and preserve at the same time. With this, the city will keep one improving while culture and collective memories are safely preserved. Furthermore, the government should carry out consultation on upcoming renewal projects in order to respect opinions from different parties. The renewal projects are top down government projects at the moment. Public is not involve in the planning process. According to Lincoln, a Government should be ‘of the people, of the people, for the people.’ Which means that it’s policy should put people as first priority and serve their needs. The government should carry out consultation via mass media such as setting online consultation and promoting through radio and television. This can raise people’s concern on the projects and receive useful opinion from citizens. With opinions from different stakeholders the government can establish a redevelopment project that benefits most of the stakeholders and to build a better living environment. Like the saying ‘you can’t have a cake and eat it’. There’s no absolute perfect for every stakeholder in a redevelopment project. The only thing government can do is to maximize everyone’s benefits and minimize their costs so as to create a better living environment and harmonious city. (7203)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:45:34 +0000

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