To the Co-Sponsors of House Joint Resolution 119: Thank you for - TopicsExpress


To the Co-Sponsors of House Joint Resolution 119: Thank you for standing up against big money and special interests in co-sponsoring HJR 119, but it doesnt go far enough. For the past four years the Movement to Amend the Constitution has been clear: We must both abolish corporate constitutional rights AND get big money out of politics. Dont advocate for an amendment that only goes part way! Please AMEND HJR 119 to include this language: The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only. Artificial entities established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state shall have no rights under this Constitution and are subject to regulation by the People, through Federal, State, or local law. The privileges of artificial entities shall be determined by the People, through Federal, State, or local law, and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable. Tens of thousands of volunteers across the nation have been building a grassroots movement over the past four years from the bottom up. This movement came from everyday people taking this issue to their city governments, to town meeting debates, to candidate forums, to newspaper opinion pages, and to the ballot box directly. Nearly 600 cities and towns have now passed amendment resolutions. Polling shows 80% of the American public believes that corporations should not have the same rights as people. State legislatures have been pressured to stand up as well, with 16 states passing resolutions calling for an amendment. “Ending Corporate Personhood” was a major theme in the demands that came from Occupy encampments across the country. Please amend HJR 119 to eliminate corporate constitutional rights, and put We the People in the drivers seat of our government.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:44:21 +0000

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