To the Hunt family, you dont know me but I live in Kentucky and I - TopicsExpress


To the Hunt family, you dont know me but I live in Kentucky and I have been in your shoes a little bit over two years ago. My daughter Heather was in a very bad car wreck just 800 from our home. She was flown out and we were told that she wouldnt make it, that she had a severed brain stem and she had wide spread DAI ( shaken baby syndrome) and shearing in the brain. Heather was on a vent and they wanted us to remove her because they said there was no hope for her. We were told we were selfish parents for not letting her go. She was in a coma for over 45 days, they told us she would never wake up or she would remain in a vegetated state the rest of her life, they told us to find a nursing home to put her in. The hospital stopped taking care of her and me and my husband had to take care of her and run the nurses down to do anything, they basically left her there to die. We had her transferred to a rehab center that took unconscious patients and after two weeks she emerged from her coma, needless to stay we didnt know still what Heather would be able to do. She couldnt walk or talk and we basically had to take it day by day. But to make a long journey short, by the Grace of our Glorious God my daughter is her today with us. She had to relearn to walk and talk and she has some disabilities. But I have watched God restore her right in front of me. I learned through Heathers car wreck to trust in God and let him led us to what was best for Heather. If we would of listened to the doctors my daughter wouldnt be here today. Turn it over to Our Heavenly Father and he will guide you. I just know that Heather is here today by Our Almightly Physician and not by the doctors. We had a long journey of rehab but with God giving us patience and the strength we needed, my daughter is walking, talking, she has started back to college this year taking a couple classes on campus. She has a memory issue but that is getting better in time too. I just wanted to let you know never give up no matter what, ask God to guide you and he will walk with you on this journey and never leave your side. My daughter is one of his miracles. The brain needs time to heal, and for the swelling to go down. My daughter had no signs of an accident except a cut on her face the rest was all brain trauma. She was thrown up in the dash of her car with a tree in the passenger side of her vehicle. She also broke her back and had a fracture in her neck. We were told all kind of things. So turn everything over to God and go with what he tells you, he will never fail you or leave you. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:46:05 +0000

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