To the MJHS Football team. You guys made this community so proud. - TopicsExpress


To the MJHS Football team. You guys made this community so proud. You guys won with class and lost with class! Tonights game was like life. Sometimes life isnt fair. Tonights game definitely wasnt fair. Ive never seen a worse officiating crew.... Ever! Three fumbles overturned and a ball that bounced being called a completion... Plus all of the lame penalties... Life happens that way sometime. Life isnt fair. Its not only in sports but its also in daily life. People have affairs, people steal, cheat, lie... Tornados come, cars break down, air conditioners break, people pass away unexpectedly etc. So many things happen that we cant control in life. What happened tonight wont define you, but it will help you deal with disappointment in life. Im proud of you for the way you played. Im proud of you for the way you won and for the way you lost. Im proud of the coaches who taught you. You guys are full of class and integrity and you have nothing to hang your head about. This team will always be remembered for grit and determination to overcome adversity. You guys are special! Hold your head up high Blue Devils. Be bold and courageous in your faith and continue to make us proud!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 06:33:17 +0000

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