To the United Peoples Party members and supporters who are mad at - TopicsExpress


To the United Peoples Party members and supporters who are mad at ME........... my blogs and videos (vlogs) are NOT why Theo and the SXM government are in trouble with the Dutch. The Dutch have had a problem with the Wathey/Heyliger family for DECADES! Long before I was born..........long before Sydney Wathey got up on stage with an award that the Queen had bestowed upon Claude Wathey. The Dutch Queen Juliana sent Claude Wathey some type of honor, and Sydney Wathey was supposed to have gotten up on stage, lubed (lubricated) the award with Vaseline, and SHOWN the queen on stage what to do with the honors. Let me know if I got the wrong Wathey. who did that. Evidently the message got back to the Queen. I was in high school when the Dutch imprisoned Claude Wathey and Spadaro. Remember that drama? Was I responsible for that too? Then as soon as Theo Heyliger got semi-autonomy he internationally stated that the Dutch were Modern Day Slave Masters and more.....The Dutch called him Mr Ten Percent and Mr Mafioso. Then Francesco Corallo tried to BUY St Maarten and Curacao as a package. He did this by funding Schottes campaign in Curacao, and Theo Heyligers campaign in St Maarten. They thought that they were more autonomous than they are- in fact the Dutch had to come out a few months ago to TELL them that St Maarten is NOT an autonomous country. Appointing Baetsen to the Central Bank of Curacao & St Maarten- meant that Corallo would have had a say in pretty much ALL SXM&CUR financial dealings, decisions in who got banking licenses etc. Some also felt that Corallo was wary of being arrested, since in Europe there have been rumors forever about his alleged mob connections, not just Holland but in Italy too. Some felt that Corallo was investing the most money in the two horses he thought would win. So with SXM and Curacaos new independent country status- and he needed a safe haven that would not extradict him to the Netherlands or Italy, or any other country for that matter. I believe, that they really believed that they could make ANY decision without interference from the Dutch. Theo Heyliger-The Watheys and the Dutch have BEEF! And that beef has been going on for DECADES. ANYONE who affiliates with them find themselves in beef with the Dutch. A few months ago Leroy de Weever was a DP, how many POLITICIANS in the UPP let me know what a great thing I had done by standing up to the man who they call Saddam Hussein? Fast Forward a few months later, Leroy got Cornelius to defect to the UPP, and suddenly Leroy not passing the screening is MY fault. I dare any St Maartener, to go to Philipsburg- hit a tourist without provocation, steal their computer/tablet, threaten to kill them and smash their phone in front of dozens of witnesses on Frontstreet- You would be above the Police Station in a cell, eating hard bread sandwiches within the hour. YOU- the person defending Leroy de Weever would NEVER have the luxury to commit a crime- and then just skate off... telling the police, that you have a meeting to attend to- you would be in JAIL! In this whole blame game many are also forgetting that the SXM government is BLATANT about what they do. Minister of Justice Roland Duncan started an illegal brothel, New Justice Minister Dennis Richardson is said to have not paid taxes for years. Part of the reason that Curacao politicians have huge issues with SXM, is that they always say, St Maarten politicians aint got no style, meaning that there is NOTHING subtle in their moves. Nobody knew that Helmin Wiels had MILLIONS in the United States, until after his assassination. Theo Heyliger is on the frontpage looking like he was CRYING to Francesco Corallo and Pepe after his government fell. Romain Romain P Laville did a VIDEO interview in Parliament that was uploaded to Youtube the very same day stating thatTheo Heyliger had tried to bribe him.... a few weeks later, Romain Laviile, and Patrick Illidge- who had already been caught on video taking money from Bada Bing Brothel owner Jaap Van Heuvel- RE-JOINED Theo- no apologies- no style! There is a power struggle that has been going on for decades between The Dutch and the Wathey/Heyligers- anybody else they decide to throw into the mix- is just a PAWN. You think the Dutch like me? The enemy of their enemy is their friend- thats it! Believing anything else, is simply delusional. One UPP member told another UPP member.... hey man, you threw me under the bus! The second UPP member asked which bus? The big one, or the small one? TRUE STORY! Our government aint got no style when it comes to committing crimes etc.. and like a true St Maartener, I aint got no style when I blog about them- The blogs have expanded certain peoples perspective when it comes to the truth about politics- like Niccolò Machiavelli s The Prince- but dont forget for centuries Machiavelli was also labelled as a bad guy, not because he wrote anything bad- but he wrote a book about politics that was so OPEN, HONEST and TRUTHFUL about the reality of politics- it was easier for people to believe that he was just evil, rather than to believe that their noble leaders, were the most uncivilized savages on earth. And of course the noble leaders encouraged Machiavelli to be demonized-for centuries- I encourage anyone to read the book The Prince by Nicollo Machiavelli and not what they HEARD about the book or about Machiavelli. Julien Petty, told me about the book when he first met me, and realized who I as - he then gave me a copy as a gift- and I actually read it, and thats why NOTHING truly surprises me about politics. If you know the game, and recognize the players- NOTHING should shock or surprise you about St Maarten politcs.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 23:48:21 +0000

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