To the editor. Folks, In paraphrasing the late Will - TopicsExpress


To the editor. Folks, In paraphrasing the late Will Travis. Im 43 years old..Ive not sailed the river from Ohio to Mississippi but Ive canoed the Buffalo river and Shoal creek a number of times. That being said.... We, as a county are nearly 20 years too late to try and recoup what life took from us in 10 years. In the last number of days, Ive chosen not to run for Co Commissioner of my district. While Im not a professional politician by trade, my evolving input on all things issue, especially on Facebook is an area of which to vent disagreements on how to make a difference for this place of which 15,000+ of us live. Its more or less a hobby. Nowadays, venting disagreements creates enemies rather than respect for opinion or fact, thus I take a risk for opening my mouth. But, like my proud family preceding me, Im going to open my mouth, though few will listen and establish stare decisis/precedent from years past.. Lawrence County has in recent years been given idea after idea, proposal after proposal, from constituents on what they deem best for us. Elected officials come and go.. Most have the philosophy that they are elected to make hard choices without any input from the people that give him/her the votes for being there. Some do not. While I do not have all the answers, if any at all, it is not without effort that ideas and risks made stand at the forefront of whats common sense and right.. Ideas may be stupid, they may not but each should be taken seriously. George Bernard Shaw once said... You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?” I wonder if some still ask why. Lets be blunt... Where is the why not? And the dreaming? In other words, were content as a county to what we have, so as long as no one steps on toes.. Though efforts without detail seem to be made to make this County more attractive and lucrative, it doesnt look like we are changing with the times... Lets face it... We are still living as if Murray Ohio is still here and are unwilling to move past being an industrial community. And while we wait for at least one corporation to not turn a blind eye because the bypass is run wrong or schools are outdated, Lawrence countys labor force is elsewhere...rather than work together on bi-partisan basis, county govt. seeks individual credibility on where we stand now and In the future, which in reality is still not a given.. But idealistic, simple jobs need created until something happens to upscale the unemployment rate that technically doesnt apply to this county because we have no why not put this place back to work..anything... Sweeping, car wash, picking up trash, adopt a highway, digging holes, hot dog stands, whatever.. All that is words and ideas... But its revenue to spend here... In learning from the past to present.... Industrial influence that no longer exists but carries in spirit ruined us(county) and our quaint little living standards, thus we are believing it will get us out without realizing that industrialization under NAFTA has no guarantees for long term possibilities.. Its time for the people to take back. If allowed , history does repeat itself... It may be too late.. Barry Gobble Lawrenceburg, Tn
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:02:56 +0000

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