To the head devil of TTP, I am sitting here in my home and in - TopicsExpress


To the head devil of TTP, I am sitting here in my home and in front of me, I can see a lady running about, shouting things. I can see a man, he too is shouting – no, wailing- something about a son and how twenty years worth of effort was ruined in less than twenty minutes. Now the images in front of me are getting blurred and this sheet of paper that I am writing on is getting wet, the ink is spreading and the words are becoming unfathomable. So I am trying to write it as quickly as I can. Yes, this is yet another letter of condemnation; it seems that this is all I am capable of doing. You see today you killed 132 of my brothers and nine of my teachers and as if that wasn’t enough, you, metaphorically, killed 141 families and renewed the wounds of many others. I can so easily say that if, maybe, my brothers had had half of the security that is given to a man sitting in the Parliament, they might have survived. I can so easily say that if the people sitting in the Parliaments had felt compassionate for something other than meaningless pieces of paper, my brothers might have been alive today. Our government can so easily announce the “Shuhada Package” for the affected families as if any amount of money could even begin to fill the blank space left behind by their martyred sons. I can so easily call you an animal of the worst kind for this rancorousness. I can so easily quote a few Hadiths and Quranic verses and prove to you that what you did was inhumane and in contradiction of Islamic teachings, but after years of constant turmoil marked by explosions and killings, it has become clear to everyone. But what I cannot do is call myself and the rest of the unfortunate Pakistanis animals or even worse than animals for we are the ones who do not learn. What I cannot is quote the Quranic verse that states that those who are taught, but do not learn are even worse than animals. What I cannot do is express disapproval of the sad truth that none of us thought of your first attack as a small, a very small but substantial, show of Allah’s wrath. What I cannot do now is what I did not do then. You are not even comparable to a human being, let alone a Muslim. I, on the other hand, have some hope. For I have not slain a guiltless person and there is still something inside of me that reminds me of my guilt. I admit that when a few years ago efforts were being made to conduct some peaceful talks with your “organization”, I was among those who supported it. I believed that starting a war was not the right way and I believed that some effort should be put in trying to solve the matter with peaceful talks, not realizing then that peace was not something that you were even aware of. Now if there is ever going to be a talk about hanging all of your “Mujahideen” locked up in cells, then I am going to be the first one to support that. For I believe that being locked up in cells or even being tortured by some men is not punishing enough for them. I want them to be sent to Allah, to be burnt in the fire that awaits them. Yes, Allah, who is your God and my God. Before I finish this letter, let me ask you something. Have you ever seen a wounded lion or have you ever heard the phrase that a wounded animal is much more dangerous than a healthy one? Maybe of you didn’t think of education as something vile, you would have been aware of this today. You might hide and run and turn your backs to those who you believe to be your enemies in the battlefield but no, you cannot respond to this by killing their children. Shaheed Aitzaz Hassan was just one boy but today you created thousand more Aitzaz Hassans. You might be facing an enemy who is weak and shaken but someday the blood of these martyrs and the tears of the grieving will perform some miracle. That day might be far into the future but it is as sure to come as the Day of Judgment and you are going to be doomed on both of these days. There is no power on this Earth that can undo Pakistan. Today us Pakistanis are being pushed down, but someday we are going to stand tall and erect in front of you. You see, those children you killed today and those countless, nameless, faceless people you have killed before might forgive you for your brutality led them to martyrdom, but those eyes that witnessed this and shed tears and those hearts that grieved, they never will. Afterall, according to you, we aren’t even Muslims and therefore we do not have that aala-zarf, the serenity that is required to forgive you. But you should know that this will not stop us. We will educate, we will grow, we will create & we will fight. Fight till our last breath. For every child you killed we will educate a hundred more. Sincerely, Devastated but Hopeful #Emma
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 08:31:37 +0000

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