To the individual who informed me I was a bane to their existence - TopicsExpress


To the individual who informed me I was a bane to their existence and conservative active/former military like me and my kind should be shot or imprisoned ... you know who you are ... Conservative Military are the ones who fought for you and your coward buddies the freedom to build your candy-ass bad boy image, smoke dope, stay drunk, cheating on your women and live on feigned disability. This works two ways: next time you find yourself in a bind, need a body guard as you go somewhere dangerous, or find yourself in a threatening situation as you pee your pants ... call one of your dope-smoking, drunk, anti-military bad-boy buddies. Im done with you. I treated you with courtesy, never shot you down. I and my kind deserve better from the likes of you. You used to be a stand up person, till you took up the Pot-Head, Drunk, Drug & Its my right to do what I want Road. Once I post this I will follow up with a Block on you. Anyone else out there want to shun me out or bad talk me because Im Conservative or a Believer (even though Im not active in a church)? Speak up, Im in a bad mood and I dont give a damn! There are too many folk for me to care about to waste time on foul mouthed attitudes ...
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 03:24:45 +0000

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