To the man who sent me an email pleading with me to stop teaching, - TopicsExpress


To the man who sent me an email pleading with me to stop teaching, practicing and otherwise living yoga, due to its demonic qualities - here is my response.... Dear Uninformed and Low Vibrational Christian, I am going to respond to your email with the only quality I know - LOVE and a bit of humorous sarcasm (wouldnt be me, if I didnt). As I once was a practicing Christian, I can intelligently comment to your ignorance on the topic of WHAT IS YOGA. But I feel more importantly, the statement that needs to be addressed is, when you say, Yoga poses are dedicated to Hindu Gods and therefore Satanic, my first thought is WTF? But my second thought is more philosophical and so I will elaborate on that instead. I understand that Christians believe there is one god and therefore no other deity can be worshiped without retribution. Many moons ago, I too thought this way, so no judgment there - rock on! However, have you been to a yoga class lately? Are you living in North America where a large percentage of the yoga teachers are NOT religious and therefore have no underlying motive behind teaching yoga as a religion or dedicating a series of poses to Vishnu, Hanuman, Ganesh or Sara Swati. Also further to this, I have traveled to India and the majority of people I met, had no working knowledge of modern yoga and the common poses associated. In fact, Indians said that yoga was something theyd like to try. Mmmm... for a deep seeded religious discipline, it seems a bit unfamiliar. All that being said - who cares if a pose here and there is named for a story of a god and what it represents. We all need good tales to pass on; you have a garden with two naked peeps procreating the earth, a seven day creation story, an ark, a virgin birth, baby jesus and many others that help your culture maintain a colorful understanding of life and its lessons. Let me flip this around and offer another view: Thats like saying because murders, killings, raping, pillaging and wars have been started and condoned by your god for thousands of years, that all who follow this religion, are also doing the same activities and are bad people. Thats ridiculous. I know many Christians, Catholics and religious people who are magnificent and live in love. One thought does not translate to the other. We need to THINK. So, the moral of this story is: Do not assume things about a group of people - you will probably be wrong AND if youre choosing to live consciously, you might want to gut your own big fish, as there might be a slimy rotting skeleton or two waiting just for you. ALL IS ONE. Namaste.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:18:41 +0000

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