To the organizers of the Miss Universe: Good day! I am a - TopicsExpress


To the organizers of the Miss Universe: Good day! I am a Filipino. I write not because Miss Philippines failed to be on the Top 5. I write to throw my two cents of an observation to better your pageant. I write because I do not want to see on the Miss Universe 2015 five beautiful women competing for a US$300,000.00 crown and make fools of themselves by answering simple questions like idiots. The Miss Universe, and all pageants for that matter, has always placed a competition on women between their physically good looks and their mental faculties: what should be valued most, the Mind, the Body, or the proper balance both? One, I would suggest that prior to choosing the Top 5 there must be a preliminary question to assure us that the Top 5 are indeed as they are called. Meaning, they are the creme of the crop in both physical and mental aspects - that they are the best and that they are WORTHY to represent women. What I witnessed live on Star World can be described as a mental massacre. USA, Netherlands, Ukraine, and Jamaica had extreme difficulty in comprehending the questions; thus, it lead to their lack-luster answers. Only Columbia, with an interpreter, presented a credible enough answer. Thus it was clear that she was the only one deserving. There was hardly any competition in the mental aspect because, except Columbia, the four other women had me ask myself (hashtag) seriously, these are the women who have the gal to be Miss Universe, when their answers are pitiful at best and idiotic at worst? You cannot say that maybe they were nervous which affected their thought process leading to such abhorring answers. They are candidates; they are expected to be prepared because they ARE TRAINED for such. Two, I would suggest the immediate disqualification of any candidate who cannot speak English. What right do you have to be the Miss Universe, when you cannot speak the UNIVERSAL language of this planet. If you want to be Miss Universe, speak English, I do not care of the accent as long as the statement construction is understandable enough to mean the thought that you wish to convey. If it is done by an interpreter, how well sure am I that the interpreter, no matter how impartial, conveyed the answer of the candidate correctly? Further, with an interpreter, I cannot fathom the sincerity of the candidate. The sincerity of the candidate and content of her answer is very important. Sincerity speaks of her values; content speaks of her knowledge on the issue. One cannot simply say world peace without meaning it and most importantly without knowing how to go about it. Again, I would like to reiterate that I am writing not because Mary Jean Lastimosa failed to reach the Top 5. She had no opportunity to answer one of the 5 questions of the judges nor the universal Facebook question; in such, I cannot attack or defend her mindset; either way, it will not be fair to her. Nonetheless, this is not about her. This is about having a pageant where women are respected and not ridiculed because the luster of their answers are not at par with the appeal of their bodies. This is about having a woman who has the body and brain to represent half of our species. This is having a woman that is not merely Miss Universe because she is the best. This is having a Miss Universe because she is THE BEST OF THE BEST. Why choose brain alone, or body alone, when we can have both? What I saw this morning was devastating. I was even surprised that USA was 1st Runner-up when she had the worst answer of all five. Coming from me, that is saying something. The decision has been rendered and I will no longer question that. I pray to see improvements this Miss Universe 2015 because no beautiful lady deserves such an experience like what happened today on live television aired around the world.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:05:44 +0000

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