To the people of PNG on FB.I pray this is accepted in the good - TopicsExpress


To the people of PNG on FB.I pray this is accepted in the good spirit it is written.The Papuan Besena Position.Nov 6th 1884 - The Queen made a Covenant between her Imperial Majesty and Papua. A Solemn Declaration was Decreed on Metoreia Hill in Hanuabada by Commodore Eskines binding the two. This Covenant was witnessed by those 50 Papuan Chiefs, Dr Lawes, Missionary James Chalmers and a host of British Naval Officers. This Declaration bindingPapua to the Crown was also witnessed by GodAlmighty as an Oath and sealed in Heaven. This Declaration made by Her Majesty is Derived from King Johns Magna Carta or the Great Charter of 1215AD.Papua was then Annexed in 1888 and Letters Patent in 1902 by King Edward the 7th were forwarded to Papua. All these IMPERIAL PREROGATIVES are in Effect and Valid as Pronounced. These are the Papuan Bill of Rights. By Virtue of these Crown Imperial Instruments, PAPUANS are British Citizens by Birth. PAPUANS were placed under the Australian Constitution by this Act of Royal Prerogative.In 1906, British gave protective Rights of Papua to Queensland / Australia. (Sec 53 of PNG Constitution provides Papuan Native Landrights but Australia influenced Somare Govt not to pass Legislations).but sadly, these were Ignored by the Australian Government in 1907 when they set Administration over Papua. They Withdrew all Chieftain powers from Papuan Chiefs and replaced with their own Administrators enforcing white Colonisation.Question:1- Are these Royal Prerogatives in effect?2- Is Australian Ignorance to the Royal Prerogative a Punitive Act?3- Did Australia Suppress the Native Bill of Rights?Self Determination was the fight for Papua on these Basis and nothing else. The Crown Possession of Papua was denied her Self Determination or Referendum by Australia and the House of Assembly since 1968 to 1974. During this period, Papua Besena RalliedSupport to fight this System of Corruption.Crown Imperial Instruments and Prerogatives were Ignored and Suppressed by Australia by Ignoring Papuan Right to Self Determination in1974 when they falsely informed UN that bothCountries will determine their own future after some level of development has being achieved. Australia invoked Chapter XI of the UN Charter wrongly and UN blindly Sanctionedthe Union that Australia forged and PNG was declared Independent Sept 16th 1975.Question:1- Why did Australia Suppress the Papuan Bill of Rights?2-Why did The United Nation Sanction without Prior Investigation?3- Why Didnt New Guinea become Independent on their Own without Papua?4- Why was the union merger forged and pushed by Australia and Somares Cabinet?We are simply asking for the Papuan Bill of Rights to be Honoured and a Referendum given.I hope this clarifies and triggers the Intellect to properly research into the Papuan Issue.I pray this clarifies our position that we are not against anyone but against the Evil and wrongs done against PAPUANS.I pray God gives YOU wisdom to discern the Truth presented herewith.I pray that God lays in our heart to support thePlight of the Papuan.God bless!Papua Besena.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:02:59 +0000

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