To the people who support Targets decision and signed the petition - TopicsExpress


To the people who support Targets decision and signed the petition to have GTA V removed from shelves. As critical thinkers and people who clearly prides themselves on forming an opinion based on fact and evidence, could you point out an objective and independent study that backs the claim that people take what they see in a video game and re-enact it in real life? Can you show me a study that links video games with an increase of violent behavior? No, you can not. No independent scientific study has shown an increase in violent behavior or tendencies in people of sound/normal/acceptable range of normal mental status as a result of playing violent videos games. The idea that violent games cause violence is a myth that has been debunked on several occasions, with researchers now saying that they are running out of ways to test this claim and that all the evidence states that the argument against violent videos games is false and baseless. This has been the case for studies conducted to see if games such as GTA cause or make players feel less sensitive to violence against women. In fact, a study conducted in the last couple of years did show that a temporary increase of aggression can be found in gamers of a particular genre of games. It wasnt the First Person Shooter genre. It wasnt even a genre that GTA falls into. That genre was sports games. So, if you and other narrow minded people, who simply espouse the same buzz words and cries of a totally irrational fear could learn to do some research on the products that you are calling to be banned, then maybe your complaints would have more weight to them - especially if there was some actual evidence to suggest you are correct. With that said, I would like to add to Target Australia that I expect FIFA to be banned from shelves too as I feel more angry when I play that game... To Target Australia, I am saddened that you have buckled under the weight of complaints from people - the greater majority I would safely wager have NOT played GTA or any of its predecessors in the past. Todays decision to remove GTA V from your shelves is one that I fail to understand, as you were quite happy to stock the PS3 and XBox 360 versions for the year following release. To people who are annoyed by the way Target has buckled - rise above the petty name calling, by sinking to that level, the supporters of Targets decision will call out victory and use us and our words against us. We can show our dissatisfaction in a more meaningful way - Vote with your wallets. Elect not to purchase from the company. Take to the internet and voice your concerns - advise others not to purchase goods from target. But do so in a respectful manner. Let us not become the very thing the misguided members of society are claiming we are. ~Kadet
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:17:04 +0000

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