To the person(s) who decided they had the right to decide if I was - TopicsExpress


To the person(s) who decided they had the right to decide if I was eligible for benefits due to my health..... I dont need to wish you will rot in hell because one day you will meet the Man who is in Charge and he has my back. You really think you know me? Come live with me and then you can judge what I go through. Come take care of the fosters that rescues in the past dumped on me that are considered unadoptable. Come fall in love with them for a year. Nurture them, love them, train them, clean up after them and then find them homes when no one else wanted them. You come to my house and listen to my husband repeat this phrase you need to find these dogs need to find these dogs homes...over and over again till you want to puke!!!! Come to my home and clean when you have a migraine that you feel is going to split your head wide open. Get out of bed every morning at 7am when your back and neck feels like you have been hit by a truck. What?...just get rid of the dogs? How do you suggest I do that ? Dump them at the shelter? No that is not how I operate. What? You think I am a mooch when I put on a fundraiser to ask for help with costs for the fosters? Do you realize I have never hardly ever turned down a dog in need of a foster to go to rescue? Do you know how much it cost to buy dogfood, cleaning supplies, puppy pads, vetting, meds, gas to transport from shelter to vet to home to vet to transport to go to rescue? I cant believe two people would go to such great lengths to destroy me. I hope you know that you may have kicked me and got me down I will give you that one but...... I am not finished. I will be back...and when I come back you had better have your eyes wide open. You never know when your plan to destroy someone will backfire and come back to destroy you. You just did me a favor by showing me I do need to take care of myself and regroup and that just leaves you to do more. Thanks...I needed a vacation =) I will send you a pic of me laying on the beach when I get there.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:13:06 +0000

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