To the progressive deviants, emotional miscreants, racial Marxists - TopicsExpress


To the progressive deviants, emotional miscreants, racial Marxists and victim sycophants agitating for more racial hatred, proclaiming victimization, while cowardly eschewing culpability, focus on the following data; show me where I am incorrect; provide evidence; and try to construct a rational argument. All pejoratives and straw men will be ignored. Focus. Stop emoting. THINK! Acknowledge reality. The facts prove that the problem affecting black people is black violence, and not police violence or the unscientific psychobabble of institutional racism. Empirical facts (using FBI data) prove without any rational doubt - that black people rape, assault, rob and murder white people at an astronomical rate that is a logarithmic deviation higher than vice versa. That is because a black person is 1,300% more likely to murder a white person than vice versa. Moreover, black people are under-represented as victims of police violence because blacks comprise only 13% of the population, but commit 52% of all murders while constituting only 24% of the police killings. There is no real countering evidence or better/ countervailing data. The facts are the facts. Argue against the facts. Focus on the facts. Think. How can any thinking, knowledgeable, moral human not conclude that the humongous number of violent crimes committed by black people TODAY are far more relevant than any grievance over the actions of others ancestors 160 years ago? NOTHING absolves black people from culpability for the violent crimes committed by black people today. Moreover, accepting personal self-responsibility for what you do is moral; and rationalizing black violence by claiming that blacks inherited grievances or suffer from micro-aggression is irrational.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:35:20 +0000

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