To the republicans, specifically, the Tea Party republicans, and - TopicsExpress


To the republicans, specifically, the Tea Party republicans, and the conservatives of the republican party, youre going to lose this fight; you were going to lose it from the beginning; no matter what you did, no matter how right you may have been, you were going to get the blame for everything; youre always going to get the blame. Conservatives and the GOP are going to be blames for any problems with government. Conservatives, the Right, and the GOP are always going to get the blame. The left and the progressives own the media, so they control the message, and the American public is primarily made up of low information voters, that, that message is aimed toward. The thing you have to realize is that the America of old is dead, the American dream is dead. It is apparent that to Americans of 2013, the government is all, and will, and should provide all. Americans of 2013, apparently have no problem living in a nanny state where the government provides all your needs; they apparently have no problem giving up all their freedoms to have the government provide them the security of a living, on the governments terms. Hard work, independence, self reliance, and self sufficiency are dead; they dont want a hand up, they just want the hand out; a hand up suggest work. This being the case, your message is lost on the majority of the American public. The majority of the American public views things like the Constitution, American exceptionalism, hard work, earning your own way, self reliance and self sufficiency to be antiquated ideas, so no one is listening to you message. All this being the case, youre going to lose this fight, however, I say, if youre going to die, then die standing for your principles. If you have to go down, then go down fighting, standing tall, screaming defiance and spitting in the enemys eye.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 08:36:09 +0000

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