To the surprise of no one in the history of ever, Transformers: - TopicsExpress


To the surprise of no one in the history of ever, Transformers: Age of Extinction was a big ole mess. The plot had too many moving parts, the human side of the story was once again lackluster and it was WAAAAAAYYYYYY too long (the movie had 4 frickin acts for godsakes). With that being said though its also actually the most enjoyable Transformers movie since the 1st one. Mark Im an Inventor! Wahlberg (and his heavy Boston accent even though his character is from Texas) and Cranky Optimus Prime (he was TOO through with humans and it was amazing) were the MVPs of the movie but on top of that the action sequences were more bombastic than ever (even though it did become a bit much by the end), the sophomoric humor was toned down a notch and for the first time since forever, the other Autobots not named Optimus or Bumblebee felt like big parts of the story. Also the Dinobots were freaking awesome. Im not even gonna bother telling you whether I recommend it or not because by this time you already know whether or not youre gonna check it out. Im just glad that I actually had a genuinely good time whilst losing valuable brain cells this time around.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:00:20 +0000

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