To the worst Christmas ever to all my family I want to apologize - TopicsExpress


To the worst Christmas ever to all my family I want to apologize for ruining Christmas this year I felt fine Christmas Eve while we were in Indiana on the drive home we got in the house I started feeling at little tired so I feel a sleep on the the couch about 10 am on Christmas morning I told Doug after all the children leave I need to go to the ER he wait an hour and than said no we are going now you our having trouble breathing so we were their at 11:30 and I was taking straight back to a room and @ 4:30 I was told I was being admitted to the hospital my WBC was well over 19 thousand my throat was almost completely swollen shut I could not even swallow water down my temp was 103 and I tested positive for strep normally we would give you antibiotics and send you home however because you have Lupus and we are considering incubation an airway because I was struggle so bad to breathe I also found out on the way home to meet with our children for our Christmas with the children Doug totaled my car courtesy of a male deer Doug is ok he is a little cut and bruised but he is ok. So because I got sick causing the chain of events I ruined Christmas Sorry. I got to come home late tonight but I have no way to go anywhere because my car was the only was I have to carry my handicap cart around so looks like I am home stuck for awhile until we can afford a van to put my cart in. Hope all my grandchildren love their gifts hated I was not able to see them open them love you all and missed you all deeply.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:12:37 +0000

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