To this day, after dozens of public appearances, hearings, reports - TopicsExpress


To this day, after dozens of public appearances, hearings, reports and questioning, the Obama Administration has still failed to answer many very serious questions about what really happened that night: 1. Who repeatedly gave the STAND DOWN order to our Special Operations and conventional military response forces? Equally important is Why? Contrary to testimony by Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey that no suitable forces were available, AFRICOM requested permission to engage with available Special Operations Forces and has gone on record stating they were "told to STAND DOWN by the Department of Defense." The individual (yet to be identified) that issued that order, in effect, signed the death warrants of two brave former SEALs. 2. Where was the President during the crisis in Benghazi that cost four American lives, What was he doing, and Why did he not take charge of the situation as Commander-in-Chief? The phrase "Dereliction of Duty" would seem to be appropriate here. 3. Where were the National Security Advisor, Tom Donilon, and his Deputy, Denis McDonough (known as "the Fixer"), John Brennan and Valerie Jarrett during the 8-hour period of the attacks and more importantly, What inputs and recommendations did any of them make to Obama? 4. Who made the decision to specifically NOT alert or deploy the joint/interagency Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST) that is poised to respond on short notice to terrorist incidents worldwide and Why? Specifically, were Hillary Clinton and/or John Brennan involved in this decision? 5. Why did SECSTATE Hillary Clinton and Patrick Kennedy (State Under Secretary of Management) exclude the Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT) from being notified of the attacks and specifically instruct the DOS Operations Center to NOT, repeat NOT, alert the CT office?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 05:21:53 +0000

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