To this point Ive been somewhat vague about what has been going - TopicsExpress


To this point Ive been somewhat vague about what has been going on. I decided Im going to share the details & get it off my chest. Last Thursday I bought a new pair of boots from a girl on 1 of the yard sale pages on here so I could resale them on eBay. While she was at my house dropping them off, she asked about my candles. She then spent over an hour at my house smelling every 1 of the candles I have in stock. I was very patient & even let her try some of my sugar scrub & the wax from a candle (melts into moisturizer). She asked how I got into the business & I let her know I had gotten laid off almost 3 years ago, 5 wks before Christmas & spent 19 &20 hours a day every day during that 5 wks building my business & perfecting things as much as possible. I offered her a discount & a referral bonus & was even supposed to be looking for a certain candle container for her daughters room. 48 hours later, I started getting messages with screenshots of what she was posting all over facebook...poor copies of my hard work. Dont get me wrong, a lot of people make candles. Ive collaborated with a few & exchanged ideas. I dont mind FRIENDLY competition but this girl copied all of MY products (that she saw), got some of the same containers, copied my prices, copied things I say...even when so far as to TRYING to make them look like mine. Basically, she took my entire business model & tried to make it her own. Ive worked for 3 yrs to perfect every product...wont sell anything if its not just right...and I am furious that ANYBODY would be ok doing that to someone. Ive spoken with 2 attorneys & she crossed the line. She truly has nothing that I want or need...its the principal of the issue. I have been considering hiring commission based representatives to sell the products & was planning to see if thats something shed want to do because she told me she couldnt work & I thought it might help her...then this?? Getting inspiration from other business owners is perfectly acceptable & even welcomed (its flattering); but, stealing every detail from a business is just going too far. So, now you see why Im mad & why my daughter is mad. Just wanted to clear that up.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:34:07 +0000

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