To those of you who have my most recent post on Facebook and are - TopicsExpress


To those of you who have my most recent post on Facebook and are concerned; rest assured that I am, for the most part, fine. Nobody is more regretful and upset about todays events more than me. While I needed a way to release the stress and frustrations inside me; this was NOT the way to do it. I have a temper. Ive always had a temper and I come by it honestly. Both Mom and Dad had their moments of blowing their stack but not to this extent. I have worked very hard for many years to keep this temper of mine in check and until about four years ago; I have controlled it very well. While I had a fantastic weekend with the performances of Our Town, there are other events occurring in my life that have been building up to the boiling point. Someone/something occurred today that set me off and like a fool; I showed the results of my frustrations. I will NEVER take my frustrations/temper out on another living being. My pets were never in any danger today; I made sure of that. I will never intentionally physically harm another person. The ramifications of such an act far outweigh the act. I am very unhappy with my behavior today and I need to concentrate harder on making sure that something like this NEVER occurs again. Once I open Pandoras Box, its almost impossible to get it back under control. For the record, I did intend at some point to renovate my bedroom; as well as the other rooms on the ground floor of the house that have not been done yet. Today was not the way I wanted to get that project started. I will use this opportunity though to channel my energies constructively and rebuild what I damaged; including myself. My apologies to everyone who sees me in a different way than you did yesterday. I cant undo my mistake and can only hope that at some point; I can rebuild your trust and comfort level in being around me. I did a bad thing today and now I need to accept the consequences of my actions; plain and simple.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 04:08:25 +0000

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