To those unclear on the real Market Basket issue and plan to apply - TopicsExpress


To those unclear on the real Market Basket issue and plan to apply Monday, or begin shopping there again: 1st- The workers are not all on strike; many cannot get hours due to limited need. I know someone whos been trying to work for weeks and, though hes not even protesting, they wont give him hours. As to others, they ARE trying to return to work. 2nd- The warehouse workers were locked out one day when they came to work. Only temp workers were allowed in. They werent allowed back in. 3rd- You can be sure prices will rise soon if the shareholders get their way and some sort of business resumes. So, say goodbye to the prices youre desperately hoping to return to. Okay, before I get off my soapbox, please share this. Yes its on principle. Yes its for our community. And yes I feel its the right thing to do. My family struggles with our budget too but allowing current MB owners to win means allowing them to walk all over the little guys (thats customers and workers alike.) Dont think they wont walk all over you.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 01:59:40 +0000

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