To those who cant separate looters and protesters.. open your mind - TopicsExpress


To those who cant separate looters and protesters.. open your mind a little. Stop grouping them all as one.. I know some of the peaceful protesters personally, and they have been trying to keep the peace.. some protesters even forming a line in front of a store to prevent looting. Dont buy into the media spins.. Im really not looking for a battle/debate here.. Im too tired of all that.. I just ask that people stop judging from afar.. stop spreading negativity and hatred.. stop disrespecting and attacking your friends for opposing views.. stop making uneducated comments on the subject.. and stop grouping protesters and looters as the same people. Its okay to disagree and have differences in opinion.. but the hatred, division, personal attacks, ignorance, and racism that people have been injecting into those differences is what really disappoints me. I honestly thought we were all better than that. We have major work to do as a people.. I challenge you all to be tolerant and respectful. Is that really too much to ask? Were we not raised that way? Prove it! To my people on the front line holding it down peacefully.. I salute!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:43:49 +0000

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