To touch on the topics spoken in this video: Israel had 40 - TopicsExpress


To touch on the topics spoken in this video: Israel had 40 years before Hamas was created to lift the siege and end the occupation but all they did was take more Palestinian land and flood the West Bank with thousands of illegal settlements. You also cant keep avoiding the fact that regardless of weather Hamas is a terrorist organization or not, Israeli brutality, the crippling siege, and illegal blockade forced Palestinians to turn to Hamas for resistance. There is no evidence that Hamas uses Palestinian shields, and considering Israel has hundreds of drones over the skies of Gaza constantly taking pictures and video its hard to believe that these claims are true. Yet there is plenty of evidence that Israel uses Palestinians as human shields. The UN confirmed that exactly 0 rockets in any building that Israel destroyed during the last war yet that is how they justified their massacres. Israel already confirmed that Hamas didnt take those 3 teenagers, so STOP trying to throw that in Palestines face. But you wanna know something interesting? Israel had kidnapped 7,000 Palestinians to date; men women and children. Also something to dwell on: In a 1948, the European Jews who consisted of 1/3 the population stole 57% of the most fertile land leaving the indigenous Palestinans, 2/3 the population, 43% and since then has been reduces to 15% from the thievery of the Israeli government. Of course Hamas doesnt wanna recognize Israel as a state and want them to exist, they stole the land and since then has kept stealing and using gaza as the worlds largest open air prison! But thats no excuse to not negotiate with them, Likud, the governmentle party of Israel, has it in their charter for destruction of all Palestine west of the Jordan river, and also has it that they own all the land from the Nile to Jordan, but why dont we agknowledge that?
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:45:20 +0000

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