To touch the Lord, to make contact with our Lord, to connect with - TopicsExpress


To touch the Lord, to make contact with our Lord, to connect with him at a deep level is what will make you whole, what will bring you complete salvation, the saving of the spirit, soul and body. As many as touched him were made whole. As many as made that contact received from the Lord. To touch the Lord at this level you need to come to him with your whole heart, with a desire to know him intimately as a person, to know him upon a mark. This knowing goes beyond just making the motions of spiritual worship, having knowledge but without power, knowing the doctrines, the language, the letter of the law but never having a deep, abiding experience of relating to the Lord, a heartfelt connection to the lover of our souls that will propel your worship from the mediocre to the extraordinary. A good example of this is the Pharisee and the publican praying in the temple. The Pharisee had knowledge without power, knowledge that did not touch the Lord, did not connect with the Lord at an intimate level. He knew about the doctrines, he knew about tithing and offering and was doing well going through the motions but did not have an intimate relationship with the Lord. He just talked to himself boasting about his knowledge and the things he had done. He did not connect with the person of our Lord. The publican on the other hand may not have had a great understanding of the doctrines but he approached the Lord wholeheartedly with a heart cry for mercy, for help. He recognized his inadequacy and his need for a help higher than him. This heartfelt cry was what made the necessary contact with the Lord. His cry was a personal contact and touch that recognized the person of the Lord. He knew with certainty that when he cried out, the Lord will hear, he will help, he will show mercy and save. This is a knowing of the Lord that leaves behind all superficial knowledge, all doctrine and letters of the law and goes for the core of the person, connecting with the deep and abiding love of our Lord. A love that welcomes with open hands all that come to him in spirit, in truth, and in sincerity.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 13:16:20 +0000

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